John Livingston

Warriors Not Firing Squads or All Possible Means

The weaponization of our legal system has led only to an increasing distrust of the American People of our Department of Justice (DOJ) and our Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). More importantly the American People’s trust in the “process of justice” has made the jobs of thousands of people at all levels of government who […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom Opinions / Op-eds

The Great Awaking

Yes, folks, they just convicted Donald Trump of a Nonexistent Crime. Just in case you haven’t figured it out yet we are definitely a country under siege and Americans are finally waking up to that fact. History was made this past week when the Kangaroo Court in N.Y.C. and a dishonest Judge that was hand […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Dear DOJ: Leave the Politics to Congress

By taking unprecedented steps to repeatedly prosecute former President Donald Trump, the Department of Justice (DOJ) stands as a prime example for why Washington, D.C., is known as “The Swamp.” These are non-elected personnel, acting with clear political bias, using U.S. law as a weapon. The only thing that rivals their level of bias against […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Erosion of Trust: Concerns about a Two-Tiered Justice System in America

The American justice system, once hailed as a beacon of fairness and equality, is facing a reckoning as a growing divide becomes very evident. Recent developments, including the alleged corruption within the Biden family and the indictment of former President Donald Trump, sheds light on what appears to be a two-tiered approach to justice. Just […]

John Livingston

Political Truth and Consequences?

I again have not seen Democrats so mad at those who disagree with them since Republicans freed the slaves! Think about what has been revealed to us over the past week because Republicans finally have control over the House of Representatives. In testimony before two Congressional Committees yesterday: When Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell joined […]

John Livingston

And Now for the Rest of the Story

There is so much political NOISE in the world today that one of my great fears is that the great majority of people in our State and country will just “turn it off”. What would happen if there was a day where there just wasn’t any news? Would all the news channels just sign off […]


Sessions on life support as attorney general

— Published with Permission of — A few days after former Sen. Jeff Beauregard Sessions was confirmed as attorney general of the United States, I called him on his cell phone. The reason? I wanted to ask him to investigate the apparent wiretapping of Trump Tower by Obama’s Deep State intelligence agencies and the […]


Bogus IG report: Now it’s up to Freedom Watch

Larry Klayman has a plan to try, convict, jail Clintons, Obama et al. The long-awaited report of the inspector general (IG) of the U.S. Department of Justice was released Thursday, and predictably, it was a whitewash and cover-up. While making certain factual findings that former FBI Director James Comey was “insubordinate” and that his henchmen such […]


The DOJ is Entirely Too ‘Rosie’

Like in ‘Rosie’ Rosenstein. The Department of Justice (DOJ) seems to be all about his ACTIONS and PROPAGANDA. ROSENSTEIN’S ACTIONS • To start with the four FISA surveillance applications were signed by, in various combinations, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Sally Yates, Dana Boente, and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. So from the get-go he was in on […]


VIDEO: The Best Detailed Synopsis of FBI & DOJ Corruption

A must-see 31-minute video! In April of 2016, the FISA court issued a 99-page opinion which most people have never heard of. That opinion describes illegal activity by the FBI, illegal activity by contractors and it calls it the improper disclosure of raw intelligence about Americans to unauthorized individuals. All those things the bureau did […]


FBI and DOJ: Cesspools of corruption

— Published with Permission of — Larry Klayman whacks ‘3 cowardly halfwits’ leading agencies On December 7th the new director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Christopher Wray, predictably undercut the president who nominated him to take over for the previous two corrupt heads of the agency, Robert Mueller and James Comey, testifying before […]

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