Opinions / Op-eds

The Dangers of Blockchain

Knowing the federal government has admitted its commitment to the implementation of Agenda 2030, it becomes easier to recognize how Congress aligns with the dictates of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). H. R. 6572, Deploying American Blockchains Act of 2023, introduced by a Republican, is legislation that promotes “the competitiveness of the United States related […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

America “For Sale” Joe Biden Realtor

So, the question is has our country changed, so much that we have crossed that line in the sand? Is America no longer the leader of the free world? We have been under constant assault from the neocons and the left for the past 2 decades and things look pretty grim politically and economically for […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Central Bank Digital Currency -The Road to Serfdom

Idahoans are pretty independent, not only in mind but in survival as well. The strength of these characteristics varies depending on where they live, rural or urban. Regardless, no Idahoan can escape the train that is coming down the track towards them. There are many primary issues being dumped on Idaho that are being fought, […]


Digital Currency & Economic Transformation

Perhaps many Americans really don’t understand how the U.S. or even the world economy works. However, most do recognize the massive explosion of debt the U.S. is accruing. A deeper understanding of the economy is needed to understand how our economic system will most likely collapse in order for a new monetary system to be […]

Gem State Patriot News