Opinions / Op-eds

Caucus Saboteurs

Last Saturday, thanks to efforts by the Idaho Republican Party, nearly 40,000 Idaho Republicans were able to cast their vote for their preferred Presidential Candidate. This could not have happened without the Republican Party acting after the Secretary of State, the legislature and the Governor all agreed to cancel the March Presidential Primary. What is […]


President Donald J. Trump wins Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus

The Idaho Republican Party announces that President Donald J. Trump has won the Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus.  See below for IDGOP Chairwoman Dorothy Moon’s full statement: “We are pleased to announce that with over 84% of the precincts reporting the results of the Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus, President Donald J. Trump has won all 32 […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Republicans Rally Against Sabotage Efforts, Ready for Successful Caucus Event

Are you getting sick of seeing bad faith attacks on the Idaho Republican Party and our upcoming Presidential Caucus? I know I am. It’s quite frankly downright disgusting, and I’m going to call out the bad actors who are behind it. The power brokers of Idaho’s political establishment took a beating at the state convention […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Critics and Liars

Hearing some of the complaints about the upcoming caucus I am reminded of the story of the young mother and son’s day at the beach. One day a young mother agrees to take her 6-year-old son to the beach. On arrival, mom sets up her towel and umbrella and then admonishes her son not to […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Caucus FAQs

As the Republican Presidential Preference Caucus approaches (Saturday March 2nd,) both interest and questions are increasing. Here are some of the questions and their answers, FYI. Why are we having a caucus? The Secretary of State wanted to consolidate the March Presidential Primary with the May General Primary, however, the legislation drafted to do that […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Media and the Caucus

As we approach the March 2nd Presidential Preference Caucus the amount of misinformation being generated by the media and talking heads is stunning. At the Republican Party headquarters literally half the staff’s time is being consumed correcting this misinformation. Part of this effort is to be expected because the caucus process is new and people […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Caucus or Primary

Over the last few weeks several individuals have crawled out of the shadows to “explain” the upcoming Idaho Presidential Caucus. Unfortunately, these “explanations” are not based on any firsthand information and are full of misinformation, false claims and outright lies. Why would they falsely paint a doom and gloom picture? Who knows, but they aren’t […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Presidential Caucus Fact Check

“I’m a lifetime Republican and I’m really worried I won’t be able to participate in the Presidential Caucus” said Jim, an 89-year-old combat veteran during a call with Idaho GOP Chairman Dorothy Moon. Jim called the state party headquarters after reading Sandy Patano’s “Opinion: Idaho GOP’s Presidential Caucus confusion,” an Op-ed full of misleading information, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Celebrating Remarkable Achievements: Idaho GOP Unites for a Year of Success and Accomplishment

As Chairwoman, I am so proud of what the Idaho GOP has accomplished this year. Republican legislators, elected officials, members of the State Central Committee, staff, and volunteers all pulled together to make this year a resounding success. When I was elected Chair of the Idaho Republican Party, I promised that we would lead on […]

Opinions / Op-eds

The Freedom of Lie

The freedom of speech is dead. It has been for a while. If you doubt this, try saying something that is against the progressive woke narrative. The woke social justice Brown Shirts will mercilessly attack you, your employment, your business, and your neighbors with the goal of canceling you, driving you from the public square […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Threat to Democracy

Democracy is where a society is ruled by the people. It was understood by our founders that a pure democracy is an unstable form of government because as soon as the majority appreciates that they can vote for the seizure of wealth and property from the minority, revolution and chaos are only a matter of […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idaho Republican Party gears up for a vibrant showdown!

Six Presidential hopefuls file their candidacy for the 2024 Presidential Caucus We are proud to announce that six candidates for President have filed for the Idaho Republican Caucus. On Saturday, March 2, 2024, Republican voters throughout our great state will gather in churches, schools, and community halls to hear from the candidates and decide which […]

Gem State Patriot News