Bob's Words of Wisdom

Assassination Attempt – Lots of Questions, Too Few Answers

We would like to hear your opinion! I’m sure there are shooting enthusiasts who are much smarter than me when it comes to this subject matter, but after seeing this video, I have to ask the question, was there another shooter? I would ask those of you who have an opportunity to view this video […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Labrador Letter: America Demands Answers!

Dear Friends, There are critical moments and images in American history that we remember clearly. For many before us, it was the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the assassination of JFK in Dallas. For the next generation, it may have been the moon landing or the Challenger disaster that many of us watched in classrooms. […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Trifecta of Lies

‘Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive’. Sir Walter Scott Biden’s now infamous performance in the presidential debate was devastating to the media narrative and a shock to those they had brainwashed. Biden supporters were confronted with the fact that their media outlets had been lying to them for […]

John Livingston

Competence and Courage

Since the assassination attempt on Mr. Trump last Saturday, I have had several conversations about the absolute lack of competency that we have witnessed over the past three and a half years in the Biden administration. When Kamala—aka, Ms. Willi Brown was given the title “Border Czar,” was it because she had ever been competent […]

Gem State Patriot News