Opinions / Op-eds

Rural Community Advocates, Save Our Ground, to hold fundraiser Event in Kuna

(Kuna, Idaho) Save Our Ground, rural community advocates, gained a temporary stay in Ada County, to stop an industrial-scale solar farm in the middle of farms in the Melba and Kuna communities during Ada County Commissioners meetings in July and August. They are planning a community benefit concert to fund the non-profit.

Dustin Ferdinand, one of the organizers of the concert on September 14, at the Crooked 8 venue which is also the Kuna Rodeo grounds from 6p to Midnight, said the proceeds would go to cover expenses to stop the effort in Ada and Canyon counties the Commissioners.

“The job has only just begun in Ada and Canyon County and there are many expenses from the legal and promotional side of the non-profit. These funds will help keep organizers from having to foot the bill,” Ferdinand said.

Powers Butte Energy Center is the company trying to build the project on important farm ground. Producers cited the extensive number of questions the Commissions had as more evidence the elected leaders heard the strong concerns by 150 local residents.

“The commissioners cited the world renown seed growing of the region, property rights, water rights and usage, welfare of the community were all very specific points the Commissioners shared before the unanimous vote,” said another organizer, Justine Krivanec.

Two live bands, food trucks, bounce houses for kids, mechanical bull, fire performer along with gun raffle, silent auction, and a cake auction will be just some of the activities scheduled. For more information on the concert on September 14 go to SaveOurGround.Com for concert details and tickets.

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