
Undisclosed Source Says the Sanity and Truthfulness of the Extreme Left Has Never Been Proven

In the age of publishing anything that makes a shocking point and attributing it to a supposedly ‘relevant’ source whose identity must remain undisclosed for unexplained reasons, we here at Gem State Patriot News will not be left behind.

Therefore getting on board with the extremely popular trend, I have also found just such a qualified source whose identity must also remain anonymous.

Reporter/Author Bob Woodward and writers at the fake news New York Times and all the other fake news big media could be using the ruse of undisclosed sources to effect the pursuit of their left wing agenda, since who would know? Right? My undisclosed source told me he believes this to be highly probable given their penchant for lying and delivering lots and lots of fake news.

I could have used a neat pseudonym like Woodward Roberts, Fred Wretzlaughter or Nickedemus Agathangaleetez, but I’m not that kind of guy. I went out and found myself a real ‘bonafide’ source whose identity must remain undisclosed. Trust me. This is Gem State Patriot News and my source assures me that we are at least more reputable than the fake news, ‘declining’ New York Times.

So it is that my undisclosed source’s great proclamation is: “The sanity or truthfulness of the extreme progressives of the far left has never been proven, citing particularly the rabid ones proclaiming ‘Socialism is the future.'” Or, he says, “Could they just be blatantly bald-faced lying such as our former ‘Lier in Chief’ Barrack Hussein Obama and ‘Teflon Hillary.’

“Led on by such high profile ‘Socialist Leaders’ as ‘Mad Maxine’ Waters, and ‘The Bern,’ new upstart candidates for office betting on the propaganda of the Socialist’s ‘dream world’ are Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Julia Salazar in New York, James Thompson in Kansas, Rashida Tlaib in Michigan and Sarah Smith in Washington.

“Since the mantra that spews from their mouths has never really been vetted by them or most of their followers, they must be considered insane or untruthful to those that have studied their claims and know actual facts.”

My mystery man says the best source for these fragile candidates or anyone who might want to verify the socialists’ shtick for absolute facts on socialism, would be to go to my big website that totally debunks socialism with plenty of verifying facts.

Check it out at SocialismToday.Info Currently there are 185 articles debunking socialism, including 16 that knocks Bernie Sanders’ hat in the dirt and stomps on it.

I think it is a pretty useful website, and basically, no one knows it is there. When you realize the site is helpful for educating, please tell others and share it. No advertising, just a website that wants to matter.

Thank you in advance for checking it out. – My undisclosed source’s friend, Rich L

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