
Rep. Ron Nate Announces Candidacy for Re-Election for 4th term to Idaho House, Seat 34B

Idaho (March 14, 2022) — Ron Nate announced his re-election campaign for a 4th term to the Idaho House of Representatives Seat B to a crowd gathered at the Madison Armory in Rexburg, Idaho.

Representative Nate holds a PhD in Economics and is an accomplished educator, teaching Economics to over 10,000 students at BYU-Idaho for 20+ years. He and his wife Maria have 4 children, all of whom graduated from the Madison School District.

“We live in a great Country, State and County. Madison is perhaps the reddest of the red counties across the nation, but all is not well. There is turmoil in our country. War, inflation, and economic uncertainty. Our culture and way of life are threatened.”

“During the pandemic, the government labeled workers as ‘non-essential.’ It shut-down small businesses and churches, while keeping liquor stores open. The government cast aside your God-given right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I am committed to protecting the Bill of Rights and am a tireless advocate for your freedoms.”

Christ Troupis Book

Representative Nate is a proven, effective leader in the House of Representatives. He is Chair of the Idaho House Freedom Caucus and Leader of the Idaho Conservative Agenda. He stands on the House Floor every day to call for grocery tax repeal. Nate is a budget hawk, always looking to get rid of wasteful government spending.

He is a “watchman on the tower,” leading the fight to end dangerous Critical Race Theory and Social Justice activism in our universities. 

“We have great schools in Madison and Sugar City, but they are not immune from outside influences. What we see happening in other parts of the state and country could easily impact us. We need to be extra vigilant to make sure our education systems in Madison County stay excellent.”

“My opponent is a big government, special interest, bought and paid for, Boise insider candidate. In the last race, she outspent me 3-1, ending her campaign $15,000 in debt and we still beat her and we will again. She is naïve and inexperienced and too liberal for Madison County. She is supported by leading progressive groups in Idaho who are intent on destroying our families, our culture and our way of life. We are very different candidates with very different views.”

“I am 100% pro-life, I have an A rating with the National Rifle Association with a track record of defending your faith, family, freedoms and firearms.”

Nate is a bold courageous leader who stands up for Madison County. 

“I stand for you and I’m asking you to stand with me as we work together to keep Idaho and Madison County great.”

Read more about Nate at

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