
Our Power and Water Are Up for Grabs

Avista utility is in the process of seeking approval of its sale to a Canadian government-owned company, Hydro One.

This purchase or merger is fraught with potential problems which could and will cost ratepayers throughout the Pacific Northwest astronomical sums of money from drastic 4x-5x or more increases in utility bills.

• Why does a company like Avista, which is profitable and has a great credit rating, want to tie itself to a failing Canadian electrical distribution company?

• The state of Idaho PUC (public utility commission), the state of Washington PUC, and the city of Juneau, Alaska have entered into settlement agreements with Avista and Hydro One.

• The settlement agreements all have a golden share provision written in, which allows an unknown party to vote all outstanding shares of stock, no matter who owns them. This legal device is even illegal in the European Union. Who is this golden share owner, which would control all ownership in the event of financial problems? Could it be China? It’s possible.

• This all coincides with the renegotiating of the Columbia River Treaty with the Canadian government and the U.S. If we allow the Canadian government to own 8 of Avista’s dams here in the Pacific Northwest, it lets the Canadians dictate terms and have more leverage on the flows of our states’ waters and its power generation. Is this just coincidence?

• These agreements also include a Delaware corporation known as Olympus Equity LLC to hold all assets of the merged company. Who controls Olympus Equity LLC?

• 70% of the outrageous utility bills in Hydro Ones’ service area are identified as a “global adjustment fee.” This scam generates 1 billion dollars a month for Hydro One. This stolen money then pays wind and solar farms to keep their money-losing operations in business. This cap and trade policy is pure theft and is the “law of Canada.” Do we want that here in the Pacific Northwest?

• Hydro One cut off electrical service for almost 58,000 Canadians who could not afford to pay their unaffordable utility bills in the winter. Another nearly 400,000 Canadians have utility bills which are unpaid and could have their service cut off. Do we want this to happen here?

If we want to continue to have affordable power and water in the future, we need to stop this proposed theft in its tracks.

Contact the Idaho PUC, Washington Utility and Transportation Commission, the Public Service Commission of Montana, Oregon Public Utilities Commission, the Regulatory Commission of Alaska and register your outrage.


Idaho Public Utilities Commission

P.O. Box 83720 Boise, ID 83720-0074

472 W. Washington Boise, ID 83702

Ph: 208.334.0300

Fx: 208.334.3762

website —

Washington Utility and Transportation Commission

98504-7250, 1300 Evergreen Park Dr SW, Olympia, WA 98502

(360) 664-1160

Washington has an online comment form available”


website —

Public Service Commission of Montana

1701 Prospect Ave, Helena, MT 59601

(406) 444-6199

website —

Oregon Public Utilities Commission

201 High St SE #100, Salem, OR 97301

(503) 373-7394

website —

Regulatory Commission of Alaska

701 W 8th Ave #300, Anchorage, AK 99501

1-800-390-2782 (outside Anchorage)

Fax: (907) 276-0160

TTY or Hearing Impaired: (907) 276-4533

Email: or

They have an option to submit an online complaint.

Website —

Do not let our resource use be dictated by a foreign government. Let’s not set ourselves up for monthly utility bills in the thousands of dollars.


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