
Parkland, What we aren’t being told

Too many things don’t add up regarding the Parkland shooting.

  1. The perp was visited 39 times by police (Broward Sheriff says that is a lie…it was only 23 times)
  2. The first responder LEOs waited outside.
  3. The FBI was warned and did nothing.
  4. Within 48 hours the local authorities said it would take $28.5M to level the building and build a new one (why do they have the specific number on hand?)
  5. The left is particularly agitated in this case and very anxious to focus on the AR-15 as the issue.
  6. “Grief-stricken” Tide Pod Eaters were able to organize buses and rallies immediately yet they were too upset to attend class.

Nothing was adding up until I found this:

It is a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) from 2013. MOUs are frequently used between agencies to reach a common agreement.

Crime was skyrocketing in the progressive run Broward County and they were about to lose federal funding so something had to be done to bring the crime statistics down. They needed to close the “Schoolhouse to Jailhouse” pipeline. Their answer was to stop arresting students. The MOU specifies a 7 step process of 1) Consulting with the school principal, 2) Evaluate the situation, 3) Issue a warning, 4) Talk to their parents, 5) Consider alternatives 6) after exhausting 1-5 and arrest may be considered after notifying the principal and 7) Keep all contraband.

Christ Troupis Book

The obvious consequence is that actual crime skyrocketed while crime statistics fell but to keep the statistics falling more serious crimes in ever greater numbers had to be overlooked. LEOs wouldn’t want to start the 7 step process so they just avoided it entirely.

Here is how the MOU explains the observed facts:

  1. The perp was visited 39 times by police but not arrested in accord with the MOU
  2. The first responder LEOs waited outside awaiting instructions. They had two conflicting directives: A) Don’t arrest students and B) Arrest anyone in the process of murdering people.
  3. The FBI was warned and did nothing because they would coordinate with local authorities who have agreed (MOU) to do nothing.
  4. Within 48 hours the local authorities said it would take $28.5M to level the building and build a new one because they are anxious to hide their culpability and the evidence.
  5. The left is particularly agitated in this case and very anxious to focus on the AR as the issue because the truth is that progressive policies are responsible for 17 deaths.
  6. Sheriff Israel takes time from investigate publically attacks Dana Loesch because he must distract from his own culpability.
  7. “Grief-stricken” Tide Pod Eaters were able to organize buses and rallies immediately yet they were too upset to attend class because this was all done FOR them, but by who?

Where did the MOU come from?

The link is for the original draft PDF. If you check the metadata you find the author is Alana Greer, a Social Justice advocate who was a staff attorney at the Advancement Project where she worked to end the School-to-Prison Pipeline.

So who funds the Advancement Project? On a hunch, I looked up the beneficiaries of the Open Society Foundations (George Soros) and guess who was at the top of the list… Advancement Project.

To review the catalysts of Parkland:

The dependence on federal government grant money prepared the field.

Soros funded Social Justice Operatives planted the seeds.

The Sheriff ignored the law, the warnings and common sense, watering the crop.

17 unfortunate souls in Parkland reaped the deadly harvest.

So-called “journalists” should be deeply embarrassed and humiliated when a jerk in North Idaho in a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon can uncover the true catalysts of the Parkland shootings while they are blaming an inanimate object and the NRA. Journalism is dead. It has been killed by greed and a blind dedication to a progressive ideology.

Instead of focusing on the actual problem, they are chasing agenda-driven false reasons to the point that the Louisiana sheriff was called when a student made a joke that the mathematical square root symbol (√) resembled a gun.

The progressives, mostly democrats but some Republicans now have the temerity to claim “We don’t want to take all your guns” and then roll out a list of 205 makes and models that they want to ban.

Remember that the final spark that started the American Revolution… gun confiscation.

It is time to give up this ridiculous notion that we are one gun restriction short of stopping homicidal lunatics.

It is time to abandon making our schools gun-free killing zones.

It is time to directly address the security of our children.

If armed security is good enough for George Soros then it is good enough for our kids.

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