John Livingston

Ours to Lose

We are hearing a lot about Marxism and Socialism surrounding the views of the Democratic Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates. As much as they are trying to make the election about Donald Trump’s abrasive personality the central issue of the campaign, they won’t succeed unless he lets them. It is very important that we don’t allow the progressive-Marxists to play offense and define the debate. The election like all elections should be about ideas and political and economic philosophy. We believe in liberty and capitalism. They are Marxists.

Marxism and its offspring socialism and communism have never worked. Command economies have never provided a long-term pathway to economic growth. There has been no time in the 15,000-year history of civilization that has seen the yolk of grinding poverty lifted from the backs of men like the past 200 years have experienced, when liberty and capitalism have been allowed to thrive. Today even the homeless have Porta-Potties and sheltered toilets. Two hundred years ago the King of England used a “water closet “that had to be emptied by hand by a servant after each use. There has been no war that has resulted in as many deaths as the economic policies of communism under Stalin and Mao—over 200 million lives lost from starvation.

The ideas of Marxism have a powerful pull on the hearts of men because of the promise of a utopian future. The political philosophy of socialism is far more dangerous than the failed economic brother of the political theory—”command and control”.

One of the ideas that was expounded upon at the Democratic Convention this week past, was the idea of creating a level playing field for all people. No poverty, no war or social conflict or suffering for need or want. The process of creating “utopia” has in the words of Hillsdale College Professor John Grant: “

“Attempt(ed) to eliminate all evils… that actually means you have to commit terrible, terrible evils, and you never get to a better place either.” Coercion and tyranny have always followed in the path of Marxism from the Bolsheviks to Mao.

For a Christian, and we are a country that was Founded on Biblical and Natural Law Principles, our freedoms and liberties are based on our “own Free Will”—a gift from God not from government. For a Christian, this hope is the hope of salvation through Christ. For Marx, “Communism begins where atheism begins.” In order for man to be truly free, man must be free from religion so that his blindness may become sight—I paraphrase from Marx.

As the great scientist and theologian Blasé Pascal pointed out “we all have a hole in our hearts that can only be filled by God”. The people who push Marxist socialism on our society are those who hold a pessimistic and Godless world view. Quoting Marx: “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of the soulless condition. It is the opium of the people.” For Marx communism began where atheism begins. The result of any system that is opposed or even just marginalizes God will always be terrifyingly tragic—as it has been in all the failed communist and socialistic systems. Marxist—socialism—communism needs to marginalize religion, so it can itself become a religion with its own sacraments and commandments.

The prayer offered before the Democratic convention by The Archbishop of Chicago Blasé Cupchic was typical of a humanistic academic. No pastoral guidance. No mention of Jesus. No air of supplication. No petition for forgiveness for the infanticide going on in our country. Political platitudes offered by a prelate wanting to be accepted by the “elite political, Hollywood, media swells”. For a Christian Catholic this is tough to take. We are all a fallen people—all of us no matter our political philosophy. Pete Buttigieg did make one true comment in his speech when he said there is “good and bad in each person”, and no one is all good or all bad—though I have had many conversations about Hitler with Catholic apologetics about that idea. Our fight is against evil in all its’ forms. The genocide that occurred in the Holocaust, that continues in the Gulags, and camps where political prisoners are enslaved throughout all the world, is the same battle against evil in the hearts of men that was fought against slavery, and that must be fought against infanticide, and human trafficking today. The Democrats and Kamala and her running mate have turned a blinds eye to these issues. The open border that has provided a conduit for drugs, human trafficking, and the enforced subjugation—call it by its real name human slavery, has been allowed to continue because of the opportunity to leverage future votes. It has been a conduit to a coercive power that will marginalize people of faith and most importantly will not allow faith to be part of the political discussion in the future

Mr. Trump will win only if he stops dealing in personalities and name calling. We must be disciplined and make our fight about principles—Christian Principles of FAITH FAMILY and Biblical and Natural Law Principles. If we get sidetracked—we deserve to lose.


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One reply on “Ours to Lose”

John Livingston: “We must … make our fight about principles—Christian Principles … and Biblical Law Principles.”

Impossible as long as you and others persist in promoting the biblically seditious Constitution as the law of the land.

There’s only one moral standard by which everything (including the Constitution) is to be ethically evaluated: By Yahweh’s unchanging morality as reflected in the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments. Anything else is merely fickle man’s capricious humanism – that is man doing what’s right in his own eyes, per Judge 21:25 – aka We the Peopleism.

When the Constitution is actually examined by the biblical standard instead of dead politicians’ cherry picked quotations, it’s found to be anything but biblically compatible. In fact, there’s hardly an Article or Amendment that’s not antithetical, if not seditious, to Yahweh’s sovereignty and morality.

For evidence, see free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective,” in which every Article and Amendment is *examined* by the Bible, at https://www.bibleversusconstitution.ORG/BlvcOnline/blvc-index.html

See also the debate “Is the Constitution Biblically Compatible?” between Constitutional Attorney Brent Winters and myself in the right-hand sidebar.

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