
Qualifications for the Job of President

With his declaration of candidacy for President, Senator Ted Cruz has unfortunately launched the Republican Party into the same realm of lawlessness traversed by the Democratic Party when its delegates nominated Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012. Neither man is eligible to be President based upon the qualifications listed in the U.S. Constitution.


What You Don’t Know About Idaho’s Attorney General

Lawrence Wasden, Idaho Attorney General, Aspen-Rodel Fellow (Class of 2007) When you realize what Lawrence Wasden is part of, you will have a better understanding of why he comes down on the wrong side of the issues as frequently as he can politically get away with.


Liberty Amendment Distortions

Reprinted with permission of John Birch Society “Desperate times call for desperate measures” must be the mantra of some of those organizations working to get a constitutional convention. Their desperate measures include whipping their supporters into a frenzy to malign JBS as their main enemy, responsible for all evils that have befallen this great Republic. […]


Open Letter to Our Honorable U.S. Representatives Labrador and Simpson and U.S. Senators Crapo and Risch

Idaho should be proud of having the best voting record in the U.S. Congress for the 113th Session. You four representatives of Idaho’s citizens have done a stellar job for the most part in voting with the Constitution as reported in The Freedom Index at for the 2 years just completed by the 113th […]


America Must ‘Patriot Up’

PATRIOT: ‘A person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.’ The roots of America’s greatness are deeply steeped in the wisdom of our Constitution. Our many successes come from the attraction to and application of that very rule of law protecting the freedoms for personal ambition and […]


Israel, Iran and the United States Constitutional Crisis

Israel’s recent elections, the ongoing negotiations with Iran to allegedly control that Islamic nation’s access to nuclear weapons and the ongoing dissolution of Constitutional government in the United States are all segments of the same situation. Israel’s voter turnout is in the range of over 80% and it not mandatory as was recently suggested by […]


Letter to the Legislature on the Grocery Tax

Dear Members of the Legislature: I write to you today, urging the elimination of the tax on groceries. I cite four reasons for doing so: 1) The tax on groceries disproportionately hurts working poor families; 2) Idaho’s low income levels make regressive taxes like sales taxes more onerous; 3) Increased economic activity will generate more […]


PODCAST: Tea Party Bob and Steve Ackerman Talk About Taxes in this Legislative Session


Transparency According to Governor Otter?

We find Governor Otter’s guest opinion in a recent issue of the Idaho Statesman “Idaho is serious about increasing transparency” amusing and at best disingenuous. We realize our Governor was talking about Idaho’s Public Records Act, but why do we need a special “Transparency and Ethics” law to have public officials we are paying to […]


PODCAST: The truth about Medicaid Expansion with Tea Party Bob, Steven Thayn, and Dr. John Livingston

Gem State Patriot TV

Bob Neugebauer interviews Art Thompson, CEO of the John Birch Society (JBS)


PODCAST: Bob Neugebauer interviews Stephanie Zimmerman and Mila Woods on Common Core

Gem State Patriot News