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Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 38

Welcome to the new, web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. Instead of a single PDF file, this newsletter is interactive, allows comments and discussion, and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.

  1. Integrity by Bob Neugebauer
    The Merriam Webster’s definition of integrity – Firm adherence to a code of especially moral and artistic values: INCORRUPTIBILITY.
  2. Why Idaho Acquiesces to the Federal Government by Russ Fulcher
    When the Feds say jump, Idaho leaders ask how high. Think environmental regulations and policies regarding healthcare, education, marriage, and so on. Next will be water adjudication and another national monument.
  3. St. Luke’s is a bully by Parrish Miller
    St. Luke’s is using unethical tactics to obtain approval of its expansion plans even when those plans harm the local community. It is also throwing its considerable weight behind liberal policies which are bad for Idahoans. In short, St. Luke’s is being a bully, and Idahoans deserve better.
  4. Christ Troupis Book
  5. Higher Taxes and Insurance Premiums: “Who to Thank” by Bob Neugebauer
    I’m sad to say that Steve Ackerman and I were right about healthcare and insurance because it telling us that cronyism and collusion are alive and well in Idaho in the medical and insurance industry.
  6. 2015 Northwest Liberty Academy Review by Elizabeth Hodge
    The 2015 NW Liberty Academy held its inaugural event in Boise, Idaho June 17-20th at the state capitol building and the Riverside Hotel.
  7. The Insanity of Liberalism by Rich Loudenback
    Liberals can’t help themselves from constantly dreaming up ideas they believe to be best for everyone, as they see it. The basis of their daydreams are usually rooted in their compulsion to control others in their quest for power. It appears nothing is too farfetched or actually bizarre for their creations.
  8. Rules and Regulations in Idaho by Heather Scott
    Are you concerned with the growth of government and the never ending stream of new fees and regulations controlling your work and personal life? If so, I encourage you to continue reading to learn what you can actually do about it.
  9. Prisons and Politics: Does Anyone Really Care? by Bob Neugebauer
    Now that the Idaho Department of Corrections has reclaimed our prisons to state management, is it time for prison reform?
  10. House Votes to Revive No Child Left Behind by Michael Tennant
    The Republican-led House of Representatives voted Wednesday to revive the unpopular, long-dead No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act — but just barely. The vote was 218-213, with 27 Republicans and all Democrats voting against the bill.
  11. All-Idaho Gun Debuted at SHOT Show by Joe Gaines
    One of the items on display was a firearm made entirely in the state of Idaho. The project was the brainchild of Joe Anderson, president of Tactical Export Strategies, an international brokerage, compliance, and logistics company located in Idaho.
  12. Nullification vs. Constitutional Convention by Bill Hahn
    Americans are correct when they say our government is out of control and that something needs to be done. What many don’t realize is that the Constitution is not the problem; it is our elected officials who are not obeying the Constitution.
  13. TPP: Kissinger’s Dream Come True by Steven Neill
    “Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control the people.” — Henry Kissinger
  14. Oregon County Nullifies State Law Restricting Gun Rights by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
    The federal government doesn’t have a monopoly on unconstitutionally infringing on the rights of the people to keep and bear arms, and one West Coast county is prepared to defend that right against all enemies — federal and state.
  15. Supreme Court Overturns Thomas Jefferson. Time to Nullify! by John F. McManus
    There is no mention in the Constitution of federal power to start a medical care program.
  16. Glenn Rohrer Announcement
    On this memorable day of the first public reading of our U.S. Constitution 227 years ago, I am writing you to announce my campaign for the Idaho District #1 Senate seat as a Republican candidate.
  17. Thought Police vs Policing Our Thoughts by Douglas Jones
    We find ourselves in a place where words, relationships, and our institutions are being redefined.
  18. Supreme Court Rulings vs. U.S. & Idaho Constitutions by Judy Crowder
    Words on a paper mean nothing if the people do not require they be followed.
  19. It’s Not that Donald Trump’s a Racist; It’s that You’re an Idiot by Diego Rodriguez
    First of all, let me just say that I’m not a Donald Trump apologist. I can cite several reasons why I’m not going to support him for President—namely, that he’s not what I would consider to be a true conservative.
  20. Constitutions at Ten Paces by Lance Earl
    Now, Mike O’Donnell, I challenge you to a duel. Constitutions at ten paces. The weapons shall be the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights.
  21. Reinforcements are Coming! by Elizabeth Harris
    In such a time as this it is easy to become discouraged and think that it may be time abandon the cause of Liberty and retreat from the line of fire that many conservative Americans find themselves in. But do not run from the battle yet! Reinforcements are on their way!
  22. Of Fisherman and Preachers by Rich Loudenback
    Some of the fondest memories of my childhood are of the many, many enjoyable experiences I had with a fishing pole attached to me.
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