
Who is John Galt?

This article is written in response to this guest opinion. Ever notice when someone does not wish to have a dialogue of discussion and having the inability to truly and openly state their positions they resort to name calling and obfuscation of the facts being presented them. Such is the case of Brad Brooks of […]


It’s ‘TEA TIME!’ for Congress

End the Micro-Managing Original Tea Party patriots were basically fed up with taxes. The ‘Fed Up’ of today’s patriots is compounded by Big Government’s extreme overreach of its enumerated powers dissolving our freedoms and commerce with overwhelming quantities of new laws, regulations and taxes. Our commerce cannot compete in a world market of competitors who […]


Trade Promotion Authority and trade partnership confusion or sleight of hand?

This article is written in response to this guest opinion. I am outraged by the Idaho Statesman guest opinion dated March 2, 2015 on Trade Promotion Authority. One can only wonder if those that support these Partnerships are paid off by corporate elitists or if they are truly ignorant of the facts. Just who is […]


A Very Bad Idea

The Obama Administration’s Middle East policy decisions have been remarkable. That is, remarkable in the sense that they’ve all been abject failures. Through a combination of confusion, indecision, incompetence, arrogance, and personal animosity, the man who promised to be a unifying force in that region, may likely be the central figure in its ultimate demise. […]


Invictus Veritas (Truth Conquers)

I am a couple of days from turning 62 years old. Today seemed like a good day to start to journal my thoughts. It will be cathartic in a world that is going a bit mad. Ironically, to those around me, they think that I am not quite right, —— a bit off, —— negative.


Free Trade Agreements Lead to World Government – Congress Should Reject TTP and TTIP!

In 1942 during WWII Hitler and his economic minister Albert Speer came up with a plan to unite all of Europe. The goal was to have one European state, one central bank and one currency all under the name of the European Economic Community. Hitler lost his battle for a united Europe but his dream […]


Arizona Bill Would Nullify Obama’s Executive Orders

Reprinted with permission of The New American magazine In an effort to protect citizens from Obama’s expanding deluge of unconstitutional executive decrees, Arizona lawmakers are advancing a bill that would nullify any and all edicts from the White House that undermine the exclusive legislative authority granted to Congress under the U.S. Constitution. If signed into […]

News Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 31

Welcome to the new, web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. Instead of a single PDF file, this newsletter is interactive, allows comments and discussion, and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.


Stop Forcing Government Education Programs on Idaho

As you know I’ve been personally involved in this battle on fixing our education system and getting rid of Common Core for the past 2 years, so I do appreciate that you are spending time with parents who care enough about their children to homeschool them. Outside of a private school this is the only […]


Medicaid Expansion or Corporate Theft? You Decide

In a recent Idaho Statesman article “IDAHO HEALTH INSURANCE COSTS TICK HIGHER” we are finally seeing the beginning of the end of the Obama Battle Cry. The president said “His health care law is reducing the overall costs – $1,800 in people’s pockets.” We all know what has really happened. Costs have doubled in many […]


Have You Joined the Circus?

It has been about five years since our television went flying out the second floor window of our home. Since then we’ve seen glimpses of the outrageous “made for television” events which are effectively pitting American against American within a kaleidoscopic odyssey of hate. Not for some time with my financial support I must add. […]


Global-warming Skeptics Know More Climate Science, Study Shows

A new study by Yale University Professor Dan Kahan confirmed that skeptics of the controversial anthropogenic global-warming theory — or realists, as they often call themselves — know more about climate science than AGW theorists. The latest findings directly contradict the myths, or lies, put forward by man-made warming alarmists about the countless scientists and […]

Gem State Patriot News