
What Pollutes and Dilutes our Conservative Movement

America is wonderful from the aspect that it offers the opportunity for anyone to personally profit from their endeavors. In America a person can dream-up a design for a new widget and build and market the widgets and become the next millionaire if that is his/her goal. Otherwise we are free to work at the […]


Government Gone Wild

Big Nanny Government running wild? Surely not you say! But then why are lemonade stands across the country being shut down? Why are Girl Scout Cookie stands and Japanese Tea Stands being shut down? Young entrepreneurs are being told to pack it up and move along because various violations are being broken they are told […]


FreedomFest is going to be YUGE!

Political junkies and skeptics are still scratching their heads, wondering “How did this happen? How did Donald Trump take over the Republican Party?”


Hillary may not be the Democratic Nominee

I’ve predicted publicly for a year now that Hillary—although a prohibitive favorite—might never become the Democratic nominee. Don’t look now, but at this moment Hillary is still far from a sure thing to become the Democrat standard-bearer. As of days ago, she lost Oregon and barely squeaked by in Kentucky. Bernie has now won 11 of […]


JBS Opposition to Con-Con Blamed for Abortions, National Debt

In a sign that the pro-con-con claque is losing the battle to “fix” the Constitution, one of its leaders has sunk to deplorable depths of blaming The John Birch Society and Eagle Forum for the national debt and the death of millions of aborted babies. You read that right: “Constitutional scholar” Michael Farris is pulling […]


CFR Globalist: End U.S. States, Build China-style Regional Gov’t

Reprinted with Permission of The New It is time for the United States of America to ditch the whole “states” thing, and for the federal government to re-organize the nation politically into massive regions with powerful regional governments fully subservient to national and even international authorities. The goal of the dystopian “economic master plan” […]


Constitution: Outdated and Overstretched?

Reprinted with Permission of The New On December 20, The Atlantic asked if the Constitution was up to the challenge of governing “America’s sprawling empire.” “The U.S. Supreme Court struggles to stretch a Constitution written for 13 coastal states to encompass non-contiguous states, dependent nations, insular areas, and a commonwealth,” the magazine claims. There […]


The story behind Idaho’s securities lending agreement

Reprinted with permission of Eric Hayes and The Blue Review How Wall Street made millions off an Idaho investment scheme and the secret settlement that protected the bank The State of Idaho’s 15-year foray into securities lending may have cost taxpayers more than the $19 million the state has acknowledged, but Idaho Treasurer Ron Crane […]


The Northwest Liberty Academy – Engaging present and future generations

ENGAGING PRESENT AND FUTURE GENERATIONS through education, interactive games and activities about our Free Society and Free Enterprise!   NW Liberty Academy teaches the principles of a Free Society and Free Enterprise through seminars, workshops and an annual Liberty Symposium. Activities include interactive games, great speakers, panel discussions and a personal tour of all three […]

News Newsletter Index

Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 58

Welcome to Volume 58 of the Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot. Need a website?I can help. The Conservative Candidates Running for Office in the May 17th Primary […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Conservative Rep. Nonini Endorses Liberal Voting Sen. Keough

As strong of a conservative that Rep. Nonini is he has made a major mistake in thinking that he needs an alliance with one of the worst voting senators in the legislature Shawn Keough. Why is it that only the conservatives that are willing to bend to the will of the establishment and not the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Cronyism Goes Right to the Top of the Food Chain

Thanks Governor Otter for Proving Our Point It appears that our lame duck Governor and his wife, along with 3 district 21 legislators have decided to weigh in on the West Ada School District recall, but we don’t recollect seeing any of them at the West Ada Board meetings in the last four months which […]

Gem State Patriot News