Bob's Words of Wisdom

‘Trumpo Right Again’ Obama Chastises NATO to Pay Up

What is it about Trump that he always seems to hit the proverbial nail on the head? Our lame duck president took another trip to Europe for a visit with the NATO Alliance only to tell them what Donald Trump has been saying since April of this year. The President chided the many members of […]


Is The Heartland Institute Smoke and Mirrors?

This is a reply to the Heartland Institute’s Kyle Maichle’s July 6, 2016 Letter to the Editor posting “Not so, sir” which is in response to my My Turn column titled ‘The Unrelenting Con-Con Con’ published June 21st in the Coeur d’Alene Press. Allegation #1. The ASL (Assembly of State Legislatures) killed a proposal for […]


Attention: Idaho Can Be Next! – Stop Sen. Tester’s S. 3013

Call to Action – A Legally Viable Tool to Oppose Montana U.S. Senator Jon Tester’s S. 3013 (Please share this information with those who oppose the CSKT Water Compact and Senator Jon Tester’s S. 3013.) Action Proposed to confront Senator Jon Tester’s S. 3013: SALISH & KOOTENAI WATER RIGHTS SETTLEMENT ACT OF 2016 This Memorandum is a Call […]


Justice Delayed on Lawsuit over Water Compact?

Below is a letter-to-editor that I wrote regarding a long-overdue court ruling on the legality of the Montana Legislature’s vote approving the CSKT Water Compact. The State legislature voted on April 11, 2005 by simple majority, instead of a State Constitutional requirement of a two-thirds majority vote. We’ve all been waiting a long time for […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Why Obama’s Two Terms of Hope and Change will end in more Racism

As our nation mourns the death of five Dallas Police Officers, many of us think back to 2008 when President Obama was elected on a slogan of “Hope and Change” when many of those who voted for him expected great things of the first black president. They thought this was a chance to bring the […]


How can the West Ada School District make up its Budget Shortfall?

Part of the Answer lies in an open letter to the Board from Russ Joki The Gem State Patriot received this very interesting letter to the West Ada School District (WASD) Board of Trustees. We decided it should be shared with all of our readers and we hope they will distribute it to all of […]


Is the Idaho Conservation League an Ambassador for the United Nations?

Multiple non-governmental organizations (NGO), also known as non-profits, promote United Nations (UN) goals and objectives and they have been very successful at it. Our whole society is infested with their ideology. But don’t be fooled here in Idaho when a local innocent appearing non-profit presents itself as though it is advocating for Idaho when it is […]


Brigitte Gabriel is coming to Twin Falls, Idaho

Brigitte Gabriel is coming to Twin Falls, Idaho, on Thursday, August 4, 2016. Her presentation will be at 7:00 PM in the Roper Auditorium.

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Open Letter to Dick Armstrong Director of Idaho Health & Welfare

Mr. Armstrong, you are just another of the crony bureaucrats who want to expand big government and the budget of the Dept. of Health and Welfare. I have yet to hear you stand up and complain about the continuing accelerating cost of medical care or the huge escalations of premiums for health insurance. Instead you […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Fix is in for Hillary

What is it about the Clintons that they are always one step ahead of the law? Does anyone really believe that Bill Clinton and his happenstance meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch in Phoenix was not meant to be publicized? Once again we see the genius of the Clinton strategy to deflect public attention from […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Attempts by Media to cover up Twin Falls Refugee Problems tells us ‘Journalism is Dead’

The establishment media is bought and paid for by the corporate lobbyists and establishment politicians. Everybody should be irate at the local news media and how they handled this Refugee incident in Twin Falls, and what is more abominable is the reaction of the city officials. It was almost as if everyone wanted to cover […]


Essential Tasks of Conservative Leaders

We are on the back side of our 7-part series and it is time to bring it home to those who lead in an area of our conservative movement. But before we get to the essential tasks, let’s first ask; “Are you a leader?” Here is one north-country way to answer that question: Leaders are the […]

Gem State Patriot News