
Corridors and Connectivity (Part 3 of 6)

Part 3 of a 6 Part Series This is the third of a six-part series. The reader is strongly urged to visit these websites and study what is discussed in these articles in order to make an informed decision. Part one covered data collection in the Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy (CWCS) which was used to […]


The Top 5 Reasons to End the Fed

— Published with Permission of The John Birch Society — The John Birch Society has taken on an ambitious agenda to end tyranny and to preserve freedom. One noteworthy new tool is the updated “JBS Agenda” booklet. This agenda should be considered the blueprint for a Chapter to employ in setting general ongoing goals, deciding […]


West’s Wealthy, Tax-Exempt Greens Wage Blitzkrieg Against Locals

— Published with Permission of Beyond The Bears Ears — The Sierra Club paid over $2.355 million in salaries alone, in their “non-profit” business. Unfortunately, their business is putting rural Americans out of business! Part of their 2015 expenses included $536,221, plus another $19,606 in grants for “New Program Native American services and Logistical support for […]


Will You Allow the Crucifixion of President Donald Trump?

Famed actor and director Mel Gibson has written this script before. This is how the entire government and corrupt “powers that be” conspired against Sir William Wallace (of “Braveheart” fame). And against Jesus himself in “The Passion of Christ.” It didn’t end well either time for men who actually tried to speak for the people, […]


Culture Wars Part 1: Is The Left Losing Ground?

— Published with Permission of — Editor’s Note: This is the first in a three-part series on the culture war in America. You have heard it said many times: the left is winning the culture war. It is something you hear from both liberals and conservatives. It is not an unreasonable supposition – the […]


Ann Coulter and the White Flag

Recently the Daily Caller had an article in which Ann Coulter stated that “she’s ready to jump ship”. I’m very disappointed in Ann Coulter. You cannot erase 8 years—10 if you count the years Dems controlled congress under Bush—in less than 6 months. Trump is the President, not a dictator. The things he can do […]


Biodiversity and Ecosystems (Part 2 of 6)

Part 2 of a 6 Part Series This is the second of a six-part series. The reader is highly encouraged to go to these websites and study what is discussed in these articles in order to make an informed decision. After gathering wood in the forest for a warm fire, my father insisted that we not […]


Firing Comey Is a Good Start… Now Fire Acting FBI Director McCabe

Perhaps liberals still don’t understand. Maybe they are blind, deaf and very dumb. Maybe ignorance is bliss. But conservatives (like me) elected Donald Trump to drain the swamp. We have witnessed the conflicts of interest, double dealing, crony capitalism and corruption in DC at every turn, at every federal agency. We all saw FBI Director […]


What the Hell Is Going On Here? Really! – Outing the AHCA

America’s great icon of inspiration for the work ethic and winning, the late, great Vince Lombardi for whom the NFL Super Bowl Trophy is named is often remembered for the similar on field remark “What the hell is going on out here?” A leader he was, a politician he was not. Leading to win in […]


Property Owners Win Summary Judgment Battle in North Idaho ‘Water War’

This is a significant victory for property rights in Idaho! State District Court Judge Eric J. Wildman, presiding in the Coeur d’Alene-Spokane River Basin Adjudication (CSRBA), has ruled on motions for summary judgment regarding tribal water right claims filed by the United States. Bob Bingham, Kootenai County Commissioner is the founder and past president of […]


Property Rights…the Fight Never Ends

“Congressman Charles Lindbergh, the father of the famous aviator, reported in his 1923 book that he had seen an establishment document which had been distributed to insiders before the turn of the twentieth century in which their long-range plans were described. He stated that it specifically included the removal of all private property rights because, […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom News

Medical Marijuana Saves Lives and Money

Legalization of medical marijuana use has been fought by Big Pharma for years because it cuts into their profits. You only have to look at the campaign contributions to state and federal legislators to see how much influence they have in decisions made by government. Recent studies show that painkiller abuse particularly opioids overdoses are lower […]

Gem State Patriot News