John Livingston

The Shunning of Deplorables

Early in my life I became aware of the cowardly act of “shunning”. I lived with my Quaker Grandparents in Swarthmore Pa. for 5 years as my father was deployed to Korea and Japan during the Korean War. My mother worked at the Naval Hospital in Philadelphia, so my grandmother became my surrogate mother. Most […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Hail, Kamala, Queen of the Libs

We have finally been introduced to our newly anointed Democratic Presidential nominee who got this new position because the big players in the Democratic party figured out that it would be impossible for Joe Biden to win against Trump. What took place was a literal coup d’etat by Barrack Obama and his gang to make […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Republicans Represent the People

Were you surprised by President Joe Biden’s announcement that he would not be running for reelection? I know many people expected something like that, yet it was strange to see it happen in real time. After his disastrous performance in last month’s debate with Donald Trump, many prominent Democrats began calling for Biden to step […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Democratic Lawfare Alive and Well in Wisconsin

The Soldier’s Creed is “Never leave a fallen comrade.” The Democrat Party’s lawfare against President Donald J. Trump was unjust, anti-democratic, and obvious election interference. But President Trump had the means to defend himself. However, Trump was not the only target. Following the 2020 election, lawyers were recruited to challenge the election results in the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Labrador Letter: Idaho’s Olympic Athletes

Dear Friends, Today marks the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Olympics in Paris. It’s always a wonderful opportunity for countries around the world to showcase their very best athletes in a wide range of events. For the athletes themselves, it is often the high point of their careers, after years of dedication and sacrifice. Competing […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idaho AG Labrador Files Court Challenge to Deceptively Marketed ‘Ranked Choice Voting’ and ‘Top Four Primary’ Ballot Initiative

[BOISE] – Attorney General Raúl Labrador filed a petition today with the Idaho Supreme Court in a challenge to ballot initiative that has been deceptively and inaccurately promoted as the “Open Primary Initiative.” The petition for a writ of prohibition or writ of mandate addresses two flaws with the initiative. First, despite a crystal-clear prior […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Idaho AG Labrador Announces $86 Million Multistate Settlement in Principle with Indivior for Its Role in the Opioid Crisis

[BOISE] – Attorney General Raúl Labrador today announced an $86 million multistate settlement in principle with opioid manufacturer Indivior for its role in driving the spread of deadly opioid addictions across Idaho and the country. Indivior produced buprenorphine-based products to treat opioid use disorder. However, as Attorney General Labrador and a multistate coalition of attorneys […]

John Livingston

Mr. Burke and Mr. Lincoln

The Progressive wing of the Democratic Party continues its’ unrelenting march of divisiveness. Placing individuals into categories and competing factions has been the modus operandi of Saul Alinsky sycophants since the early 1960’s. They purposefully and thoughtfully create conflicts instead of trying to create harmony. Marxist theory requires class warfare. The oppressed vs the oppressor. […]

John Livingston

There are no Heroes

In every culture there are heroes. In almost every instance the purpose of a “god” or a “Saint”, a great warrior or a devil is to set some sort of a standard—good or bad. At a very young age we learn about the virtues, the evils, the accomplishments and shortcomings of heroes. At a later […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Don’t Have Blind Faith

If there were ever a time that Americans needed to put on their critical thinking hats, that time is now, more than ever. As much as Biden is loathed for the damage he has wrought onto America, it pales in comparison to what could be coming with former president Trump. It is not a time […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

History in the Making

The left calls them the Dictator and the Hillbilly, but it doesn’t matter what they call them — they may have to live with both these gentlemen, who could run the table to run this country for the next 12 years! The Trump train is rolling and with JD Vance now on board as his […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Labrador Letter: America Demands Answers!

Dear Friends, There are critical moments and images in American history that we remember clearly. For many before us, it was the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the assassination of JFK in Dallas. For the next generation, it may have been the moon landing or the Challenger disaster that many of us watched in classrooms. […]

Gem State Patriot News