Bob's Words of Wisdom News

McGeachin Fires a Shot Heard Round the State

Janice McGeachin showed what she is made of by signing an executive order forbidding the state, municipalities, and public schools from requiring masks while Governor Little was attending a republican conference in Tennessee. Governor Little never ordered a mask mandate for the state but there were many dictatorial types Like Mayor McLean of Boise who exceeded their authority by ordering that everyone wear a mask in her city.

The liberal media made sure that they were first onboard to attack the Lt. Governor and stories were out on social media from coast to coast. It seems to us that Janice is one of the few state officials with enough understanding of how these masks are harmful especially to children that she took the action that Little should have taken. The teachers union was the first to say they would challenge the order in the courts but with just a week of school, it would be a waste of money and time to pursue the matter.

McGeachin recognized the wearing of masks has done “significant physical, mental, social and economic harm,” that they failed to serve a health or safety purpose and that they “unnecessarily restrict the rights and liberties of individuals and business.” Maybe Governor Little should have had her on his special panel of advisors when making decisions during his emergency power grab.

Unfortunately, the governor has no room on his advisory staff for someone who is a free thinker and believes in the constitution. No, he fills the seats of his advisory panel with cronies from the elitist corporations and lobbyist groups who have been the real rule makers during this emergency. It makes you wonder what it would have been like with Janice at the helm of the state instead of this dyed-in-the-wool crony RINO.

Christ Troupis Book

While the governor defends “Local Control” and complains of the Lt. Governor’s abuse of power he forgets that the people of Idaho have the same rights as the rest of U.S. citizens under the constitution. Many of these in charge of our more liberal enclaves like McCall and Boise imposed their will on the people they were hired to protect by violating the constitutional rights of those who elected them to office. Why is it that we find in the conservative cities and towns there was no need for masks and social distancing and in fact, those communities that did not adhere to the rules faired better than the more highly populated areas.

Many of our politicians think one size fits all and listened to the mandates of physicians who often know even less than the politicians about this virus. The only health district that fought hard against the masks and social distancing was the Southwest district was Adams County Commissioner Viki Purdy led the charge to get the people of her county back to work so the people could earn a living.

Upon returning from his conference in Tennessee Brad Little “Romney” repealed McGeachin’s executive order with his own restoring local control and basically telling the people that if you elect a tyrant to run your town or city you need to live with losing your constitutional rights. The Governor said, “The executive order usurps legislative powers. It replicates a bill that was debated considerably in the Legislature but failed, making law with the stroke of a pen.” What he didn’t say is that the house voted to ban the masks but our good old enemy of the people Fred Martin made sure it never passed the senate. We tell you this because the other news services will not give you all of the information you are entitled to. Little “Romney” went on to say “The action that took place while I was traveling this week is not gubernatorial and the action that took place was an irresponsible, self-serving political stunt.” If that was a political stunt what would he call his extending his emergency powers beyond the 60 day maximum? What would he call using a board of advisors to decide where billions of federal dollars would be allocated instead of calling the legislature back into session?

Lying Little also said, I am always reluctant to engage in political ploys, especially when I have been steadfast in meeting the simultaneous goals of protecting both lives and livelihoods. I do not like petty politics. I do not like political stunts over the rule of law. However, the significant consequences of the Lt. Governor’s flimsy executive order require me to clean up a mess.” So if the governor is so reluctant to engage in political ploys why didn’t he recall the legislature and why did he dictate which businesses were essential and which were not? There were no consequences to Janice’s and no mess to clean up. The only mess we have in Idaho is Lying Little and his advisors who care little about the people who elected him and more about the lobbyists who fund his election campaigns.

It’s time Idahoans took back their state from the elitists who have run it for way too long and elect Janice McGeachin Governor and Priscilla Giddings Lt. Governor in 2022.

Maybe what Idaho needs is more conservative republican women in charge of fixing the problems with our state because the men we have been electing don’t seem to be able to get the job done. I for one think it is time for a change in who runs our state and time to boot the bad apples out of office. What do you say?

“We Get the Government We Deserve”.

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One reply on “McGeachin Fires a Shot Heard Round the State”

“We Get the Government We Deserve”
Very true
My questions is, was this a political stunt? Where was she when people were being trespassed unlawfully from public meetings? I spoke to her many times and she did nothing, she understood what was happening was wrong.
I don’t believe she has what it takes to stand up against the federal governement (our next Governor will have to push back against them)
I only know of one person capable of this, one person who’s morality is carved in stone, one person who has tried to show the people how corrupt our government truly is by placing his own life on the line.
Don’t get me wrong, in different times she would be great! Now is not her time.

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