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Lather, Rinse, Repeat

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” George Orwell, 1984

Most of the country is brainwashed and about half are severely brainwashed to the extent that they no longer operate in reality. Of course, YOU are not brainwashed…or are you? How could you tell? Here is a test. Answer these three questions:

Do you believe that Trump called white supremacists in Charlottesville “fine people?”

Did Trump tell people to drink or inject bleach to fight COVID?

Christ Troupis Book

Were the January 6th protesters insurrectionists attempting to overthrow the government by occupying the capitol?

If you answered YES to any of these questions, stop reading because nothing that I am about to say will make any sense to you and you will only get angry and frustrated.

If you recognized the three questions as hoaxes then there is hope for you. Over the last eight years you have become more aware that the news is mostly fake. If you were really paying close attention, especially for the last month, you were shocked to find out that the fakery is a coordinated, centralized effort to brainwash citizens.

Since 2019 you have been observing Joe Biden’s slide into senility but the media has been chanting that Joe is perfectly fine, sharp as a tack, and he mumbles because of a speech impediment. Meanwhile, VP Harris was universally disliked with the lowest approval ratings of any vice president. It is as if they were using her as contrast to Biden. The Democrats and their operatives in the media were telling us this was normal.

The Biden Administration’s policies are hugely unpopular. Open border, inflation, DEI, defund the police, lawfare, etc. were all polling negative so their best persuasion tool was to use fear and make Trump into an existential threat to just about everything.

Then the debate happened and in a classic “the emperor has no clothes” moment, everybody was acutely aware of Joe’s diminished cognitive abilities. Their first reaction was to deny it happened. They said that Joe got off to a slow start because he had a cold. Democrats faithfully lined up in support of Biden but the poll numbers kept dropping.

Then the failed assassination attempt and Trump’s heroic reaction along with iconic imagery closed the deal. Biden would lose to Trump, and everybody knew it. Time for Plan “B,” take Biden to the woodshed. He was likely given the option of withdrawing from the race and remaining president or being removed from office using the 25th Amendment. Biden needs those last minute Presidential Pardons so he agreed to withdraw. He then endorsed Harris to return the favor and force them into having a candidate demonstrably worse than Joe.

It was then that we really got to see the Democrat brainwashing machine in action. One of the first steps in rehabilitating Harris was to disassociate her from the border crisis. They sent out talking points to be parroted by the media that Harris was never the Border Czar, and calling her that was just a Republican smear. Unfortunately there is LOTS of footage of those very same media slaves cheering Harris, the new Border Czar, and even government documents from the White House identifying Harris as the Border Czar.

The fact that they would lie so brazenly despite the likelihood they would get caught speaks to their level of fealty to their Democrat masters. Trump does pose an existential threat, to their power, so extreme measures are justified.

The assassination attempt exposed the Democrat’s “Trump is Hitler” fear rhetoric as a likely cause of political violence. They realized that continuing down the fear path was no longer viable. They needed a new angle.

Remember back in 2016 with all the media outlets and Hillary simultaneously started calling Trump “dark?” That was no accident as it was later discovered that persuasion consultant Robert Cialdini hatched that dark pearl.

The Democrat party is largely composed of liberal women and their beta male allies so it was no shock that the latest persuasion framing is the mean girl insult “weird.” It was shocking how fast the media propagated the “Republicans are weird” framing. What was particularly creepy was watching the talking heads pretend that “weird” was a word they thought up. To watch them look into the camera and lie erased any remaining trace of credibility.

There are several compilation videos of media outlets parroting the “weird” framing so you can see the brainwashing happening in real time, and once you see it you can’t un-see it.

The failed assassination attempt has forced the Democrats to abandon the fear persuasion high ground. The “weird” framing is powerful persuasion but it is simply a mean girl insult that is only persuasive to the swipe left, beta male “White Dudes for Kamala.” Sad.

Republicans need to reject the “weird” framing and focus on our strengths. Policy, policy, policy. The Democrat policies of open borders, eliminating private health insurance, forced gun confiscation, DEI, allowing men in women’s sports and confiscating your earnings to distribute to their supporters are all losing propositions for Democrats, which is exactly why they need to be exposed and amplified.

Your defense against being brainwashed is to be aware of the attempt. Watch for their next play. Once you see the gears of the machine their power to influence you vanishes.

It’s just common sense.

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4 replies on “Lather, Rinse, Repeat”


“[T]hey measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.” (2 Corinthians 10:12)

To measure one biblically unqualified candidate as opposed to another biblically unqualified candidate is, at best, foolish.

The only standard by which all candidates should be measured is by the Bible’s immutable/unchanging moral law, especially its mandatory biblical qualifications.

But the constitutional framers fixed it so that will never occur when, in Article 6, they banned Christian tests and thereby mandatory biblical qualifications for civil leaders.

America’s consequently known nothing but nincompoops, scoundrels, incompetents, immoral reprobates, and outright criminals for her civil leaders ever since – regardless the species of Swamp Crocodile disguised Donkeys and Elephants.

And nothing is going to change about this until Christians and patriots become courageous enough to stop participating in the corrupt government and its unbiblical election process and, in turn, begin promoting the Bible’s government of, by, and for God and, in turn, His moral law as supreme.

For evidence that the Constitution is biblically seditious, see free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective,” in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at

For more, regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land.

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”

The Lord, Our God, works in mysterious ways, and He often chooses people who would be found ‘wanting’ by modern/classical ethical standards. Moses had murdered an Egyptian overseer; Jacob defrauded his Brother Esau; David was guilty of engineering the death of Uriah, so he could cover up his affair with Uriah’s Wife and the pregnancy/child which resulted. Who was it that said: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone”. I believe God HAS sent us someone to lead this country out of all the ills, injustices, perversions, financial irresponsibility that has befallen the USA, and that man is Donald J. Trump, warts and all.

Know anyone else who refuses to sign a divorce decree due to Mt.19:6
I am threatened with default judgement.

Sorry you weren’t alive on the Mayflower (if you hadn’t died at sea). America has come a long way from then — not all good, by any means.
Sorry if you live in a relatively free country — that allows and even encourages things you may think are wrong according to some verse in the Bible. Did not Paul and Peter exhort believers to honor the king (Caesar) and obey the laws “for conscience’ sake” under God’s “ordained” political leaders?

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