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I’m Running for Senate in District 28

What has compromising given us? And – is it wise to keep giving up more and more of our freedoms? How far will we go before enough is enough, and we recognize that there are God given principles such as the Constitution – that we don’t compromise?

Our country is in a mess and we are in danger of losing our conservative values / heritage in Idaho as well… do we need more politicians to fix that??

I wish we had local farmers and ranchers running for office! They have common sense and know how to work! But wait – don’t we see politicians with cowboy hats and horses on a beautiful ranch?? Will that fix things??

My background is not in politics, and for that matter – never wanted to become a politician! Having had a business and a farm in Preston for couple of decades… many people have asked if I would be willing to run for office. Initially – and for few weeks the answer was: no. 

Christ Troupis Book

Couple of weeks ago I realized that this must be done.

So – what would I do as a Senator for Idaho? Let’s start with what I would NOT do! I would NEVER vote for a bill that compromises or takes away your freedoms!! I would NEVER take lobbyist money… simply because it corrupts the vote and soul. We need to preserve our rights by expanding and upholding the principles of liberty and prosperity.

When long running incumbents have a “conservative” voting record in the 40-50% range, we need new blood. In fact, just this morning we checked the incumbent voting records on spending (your tax dollars) and many of them are at 0! Yes – ZERO PERCENT conservative voting record when it comes to spending and your tax dollars! Those facts can be checked by anyone, it is public record. That kind of record means we are giving them a permission to compromise and give up our freedoms!

Do we need bullet point politicians? Their yard signs and websites will outline the bullet points: Pro Second Amendment, Pro Life, Pro This, Pro That… Election Integrity, Securing Our Borders etc etc… I FIRMLY believe and 100% support ALL of that and more… I fully believe we have had good, honest public servants – and I am grateful for those! However, Idaho has few true conservatives (check public voting records), but at the same time, we have had many “bullet point” politicians that got elected and subsequently forgot the true conservative platform. Bullet point politicians in today’s mess will not cut it anymore. We cannot be afraid to stand for correct principles. We need to stand firm.

So, little bit about us… meaning me & the other Boss My wife and I owned and operated a mortgage company licensed in three states: Utah, Idaho and Wyoming. The regulations increased and INCREASED as the years rolled by… Under Obama years it became OPPRESSIVE!! Dodd Frank bill was passed with Obama’s “leadership” and it gave Federal Reserve hugely expanded new powers over our entire country! This hurt majority of small businesses. Many politicians compromised and went along with this!

Socialism has arrived here! How many people recognize that… and what do I know about it? Well… I grew up in socialist Europe – Finland to be exact. Speak fluent Finnish and have done recent consulting work there with government and both US / Finnish military. We could spend hours talking about the growing government bureaucracy and erosion of freedoms. I have witnessed this first hand at the highest levels of government.

Public “education” and universities have become so liberal nowadays that I even hesitate to talk about the “education”. But here it goes… I attended Ricks College for two years and then transferred to Utah State University where I graduated with a degree in Finance. In addition to owning the mortgage company, my career has been in Finance for about 30 years, including some consulting work.

We own a small hobby farm in Preston and grow alfalfa. Farming and ranching is the best way of life that teaches excellent life skills and values! Aviation has also been a strong part of our lives and I became a licensed pilot in early years. 

My commitment to the Constitution is 100%. So where do we go from here? Hopefully to the voting booth… so that – together, we can protect Idaho and keep our freedoms! If you have any questions or concerns – please reach out to us!

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One reply on “I’m Running for Senate in District 28”

I hope district 28 realizes what a great man Tom is and what a great Senator he will be! I support Tom Branson for Senator!

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