
Glenn Rohrer on the issues

Dear Friend,

Over the past six months I’ve had the privilege to discuss my campaign platform with many of you in individual and group meetings. Issues important to you have crystallized because I hear them often. I understand the importance for voters to know exactly who and what you are voting for in a candidate. I want to take this opportunity to let especially those of you with whom I haven’t personally met yet know where I stand on these issues.


Ronald Reagan had the right idea when he said, “Government does not tax to get the money it needs; government always finds a need for the money it gets.” This is why a priority for me will be reducing state taxes overall, and eliminating unfair tax exemptions. These exemptions exist only because lobbyists have pandered to state legislators and obtained special interest consideration, and did so on our backs. I will not support tax shell games that ultimately do not reduce taxes and are not even revenue neutral.


I believe that life begins at conception. This is why I support the valuable tasks that organizations like Life Choices of Sandpoint perform. I have asked the Bonner County Republican Central Committee chairperson to send a resolution to our State Attorney General asking for a complete investigation into Planned Parenthood practices. Abortion destroys a life, and though it may be legal, it is morally wrong and should never be funded by our tax dollars.


Law abiding citizens have a fundamental right to defend themselves, their families, and their property. This right must not be infringed! Individuals should be able to save lives in the critical minutes before law enforcement can arrive. The job of the government is to keep guns away from criminals and those with mental health problems.

I look forward to seeing you at one of my weekly coffees at Kokanee Coffee in Sandpoint, Infinity Coffee in Priest River, or at an upcoming event to discuss these and other important issues. Please check my website for details and information.

Glenn Rohrer

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