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Gem State Patriot Newsletter – Volume 44

Welcome to the latest edition of our web-based Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot.

  1. Evolving tactics have not changed tea party mission by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer
    The 2010 Republican takeover of the House was achieved because of conservative groups like the tea parties who were fed up with President Obama’s agenda.
  2. Taking Politics out of our Schools by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer
    At last Tuesday’s West Ada School Board meeting there was no shouting out about recalls, just quiet understanding that this new board is in listening mode.
  3. “Get Over it” No Recall of West Ada School Board by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer
    Recalling the current West Ada School Board will only cause more consternation in the district and will not look good when the next levy vote comes up.
  4. Christ Troupis Book
  5. No Improprieties on Secret Tax Committee Meetings? by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer
    If Mr. Sayer really wanted to give the little guy tax relief, he should have spoken out last year when we had a tax reform package that passed the House but was snubbed by the Senate.
  6. Legislative No-Shows for Life Chain Event by Bob “Nugie” Neugebauer
    These are the same legislators who will tell their constituents that they are pro-life in the next election cycle and expect endorsements from the various organizations in the pro-life arena.
  7. RX for Lobbyist Disease by Rich Loudenback
    A most debilitating disease for the health of our Republic is one that could be called Lobbyist Disease (LD).
  8. ISAA’s ‘Constitutional Carry’ Campaign Completes Successful Rallies by Rich Loudenback
    The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance has completed a successful tour of the State of Idaho in support of Constitutional Carry.
  9. A Letter from an Environmental Jail by Jim Chmelik
    If you have not read Martin Luther King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” you should.
  10. Letter to the Editor by Russell Joki, West Ada School Board Trustee, Zone 5 by Russell Joki
    When I ran for the board, my campaign was pretty simple: Fiscal Integrity, Support Teachers, Involve Parents.
  11. Letter to the Editor: ‘The Media on CAIR’ by Victoria Furth
    I would like to tell you about an incident that occurred while I was at a protest against the Council on American and Islamic Relations (CAIR).
  12. The Destruction of our Forests – Part 2 by Karen Schumacher
    So, just how are Idaho forests being destroyed? Looking at the historical events provides a timeline of events.
  13. Dismantling the American Culture by Douglas Jones
    Have you ever asked yourself why there is this need to “fundamentally change America”?
  14. Graduated Income Tax Proposal by Evalyn Bennett
    This document outlines what I consider to be a simple, fair system of federal taxation which broadens the base of those who pay taxes…
  15. Boehner Resigns – Conservatives Cheer by Robert W. Peck
    Conservatives of late have been openly bemoaning the performance of Speaker of the House, John Boehner, and now are cheering the news of his resignation.
  16. Leaked TPP Intellectual Property Chapter Sparks Global Outcry by Alex Newman
    After WikiLeaks released the intellectual property chapter of the controversial TPP “trade” regime, the outcry around the world was swift and brutal.
  17. Brent Regan to Speak at Hayden Area Tea Party
    He will be speaking on his involvement with the current lawsuit against the state of Idaho’s relationship with ‘Common Core’ and on the hot topic of the Refugee Resettlement Issue in Idaho.
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Gem State Patriot News