
John Green to Speak at Hayden Area Tea Party on Wed. Nov. 18th

Co-leaders of the Hayden Area Tea Party, Pam Stout and Jim Polzin are pleased to announce that Mr. John Green will speak at their monthly meeting on Wednesday Nov. 18th at the Hayden Library at 6:30 PM. Mr. Green’s topic will be “Monetary and Tax Fraud: The Bankers Assault on Liberty.” John Green is a […]


Is it Structural Default?

The American Public has, again, been treated to another replay of the “debt ceiling” debate. As usual, we had arguments regarding the wisdom and necessity of raising the debt limit. I sense that few Americans pay attention to the noise, as growing and expanding budget deficits have become a part of standard operating procedure for […]


TPP, Freedom’s Last Breath

“False words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.” — Socrates To borrow a phrase from FDR: “Thursday, November 5th, 2015, a date that will live in infamy – the United States was openly and deliberately attacked by the Oval Office and Corporate Headquarters of the emerging Worldwide Corporatist Empire, […]


Welcome to the United Nations of Idaho Forests – Part 4

Who really controls our forests? Where did all of these regulations come from? Was it the federal government, expansion of the United States Forest Service (USFS), the environmental groups, corporations, or something else? How did it all get started? Now that the reader understands forest history, the USFS, environmental groups, federal laws and regulations, and […]


Boehner’s Gift to President Obama

Reprinted with permission of The John Birch Society Saying that he wanted to hand over a “clean barn” to newly elected House Speaker Paul Ryan, Rep. Boehner did quite a bit of shoveling in order to reach a deal that as The New American’s Bob Adelmann put it: Establishment Republicans get what they want: more […]


Protect American Sovereignty, Stop the ‘Pacific Union’

Contact your congressmen in opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an EU-style Pacific Union. On November 5, 2015, the United States government released thefull text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement on the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) official website. And our initial warnings of it ultimately leading toward the formation of a new […]


Review of “The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline”

Many Americans still scoff at the idea of a conspiratorial interpretation of ongoing events. The Shadows of Power by James Perloff demonstrates that they scoff at their own peril. By sheer weight of evidence, and perhaps more clearly than ever before, this account overwhelms any and all arguments of the disbelievers. Piling fact upon fact, […]


Cato: American Decline Accelerating

The latest report from the Cato Institute comes on top of a long and increasingly unhappy series of reports on freedom’s decline in America. Enitled the “Economic Freedom of the World” and updated with the latest data available (through 2013), the report ranks the United States in 16th position, down from second place when the […]


Microsoft: Windows 10 Reports on Users; Can’t Be Stopped

When Microsoft released Windows 10 on July 29, the new operating system was already mired in controversy due to the way it monitors users’ activities and reports back to Microsoft. Many news sites including The New Americanwrote about the spyware features of Windows 10. Some considered that reporting to be little more than fanciful conspiracy […]


Obama Lines Up Crony Capitalist Support for Climate Pact

With many analysts predicting that the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris will fail to produce an ambitious, binding global agreement, President Obama is hoping to come to the rescue. He does not want a repeat of the 2009 UN confab in Copenhagen, where he was roundly dissed by his green supporters for “failing […]


Frustrated with Politics?

Ever notice how most candidates sound great during the election campaign, but their record never matches this rhetoric once in office? William F. Jasper will be in Greenacres, Wa on Tuesday, December 1st at 7:00 PM to discuss this issue.


End Refugee Resettlement Petition Drive

The VOICE OF THE PEOPLE needs to be heard by our elected officials regarding the United Nations-mandated refugee resettlement in the Treasure Valley! This petition drive is a vehicle for making that goal a reality. We are collecting signatures to show the Ada County Commissioners that there is an overwhelming interest in this subject. And […]

Gem State Patriot News