John Livingston News

Justice and Mercy

One of the mentors in my life who 20 years after his death still has a great influence on my thinking was my organic and biochemistry professor Dr. Howard Curry. After my 1st course in organic chemistry, I was 1/600th of a point away from an A-. He gave me a B+. I went to […]

John Livingston News

About Numbers and Polls

I have spent a lot of time this past week thinking about polls. Reputable pollsters always report their methods and techniques and disclose any problems that they see in their own methodologies. But unlike the results that we see in scientific and engineering journals, our ability to authenticate the results of the poll and redo […]

John Livingston News

Corruption to Our Core

Why is President Trump so hated? Is it his “toxic masculinity” or obstreperous contentious behavior? Those are part of it but underlying all the hate from the DC establishment is the fact that he did not need them. He did not need their money or their connections. As an independent agent indebted to only the […]

John Livingston News

We Win!

To the surprise of those on the left, even as President Trump is being impeached for the second time, he very much can control the future of his movement and the legacy of his Presidency. He along with all of us should take a deep breath and look for opportunity where for the last 8 […]

John Livingston News

Lest we Forget

The common bond that has held Americans together of all races and Nationalities since the landing of the Mayflower has been our common faith in God. The rules that govern our civil and personal relationships and interactions are grounded in concepts of the NATURAL LAW whose principles date back to the Bible through Calvary, Augustine, […]

John Livingston News

The Reason for our Troubles

In his famous speech in 1862 at Philadelphia’s National Hall, Frederick Douglas stated, “that nations, not less individuals, are subjects to the moral government of the universe and that. Persistent transgressions of the laws of this Devine (United States) government will certainly bring national sorrow, shame, suffering and death.” C. S. Lewis showed in THE […]

John Livingston News

A Pincer Maneuver

A “PINCER MANEUVER” in battle occurs when two forces meet each other and one deploys the strength of force toward both flanks of the enemy, hoping to envelop and surround the enemy cutting off supply and logistical support. It can be dangerous if the enemy being enveloped can rapidly break through the middle of the […]

John Livingston News


“All happy families are alike. Each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way” “It was the best of times and it was the worst of times… It was the season of light, it was the season of darkness”. The opening lines for Tolstoy’s ANNA KARININA and Dicken’s TALE OF TWO CITIES could easily be […]

John Livingston News

Time to call out the Bigots

I would like to file a complaint with the Idaho Human Rights Commission against the administration of Boise State University and The State Board of Education. My complaint would be that the single most important diversity program at that institution has been marginalized and harmed over the past two years by the actions of authorities […]

John Livingston News

Fast Freddie and Fake News

FAST FREDDIE FARREL was a fraternity brother of mine. He was a genius. A double major in physics and chemistry he went on to teach at MIT. Freddie only had to read or hear something once and it was committed to his memory forever. Freddie also thought he was a great basketball player. He was […]

John Livingston News

The Pandemic and Priorities

No matter what the project—a business venture, a scientific experiment, government funding of grants or infrastructure, or one’s own family, it is always wise to take a deep breath and look at what our original goals were, and to see if we are marching toward those goals, see what changes need to be made—adopt and […]

John Livingston News

Fake News is the ‘Second Team’

Thanks to our great President Donald Trump the “fake news” has been exposed for being the scandalmongers and pamphleteers that they really are. Since the beginning of our country the press has looked upon the freedom they enjoy under the 1st Amendment as a license to instigate and advocate partisan positions. This is exactly the […]

Gem State Patriot News