Bob's Words of Wisdom

Fool Me Once, Shame on You; Fool Me Twice, Shame on Me

The Gem State Patriot would like to commend Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld for her efforts in exposing the influence that today’s lobbyists play in the critical decisions being made in our government that affect all Idahoans. She is a true conservative who is not coerced because of lobbyists donations and continues to tell the truth about […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Idaho was DOGE before DOGE existed?

Over the past week, we have had a lot of talk about our DOGE Governor Little with his signing of the School Choice Bill that will give 10,000 students out of over 300,000 the ability to chose the school they want to attend. This amounts to $50 million which is such a miniscule amount when […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

“Kill Bill”

No, Kill Bill is not about the movie but about how our legislature is hamstrung by a group of committee chairmen who hijack good bills and make sure they are never voted on. This is nothing more than a legislative veto and should no longer be tolerated. This is not a one-off but a consistent […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Is Idaho and our Country Heading in the Right Direction?

There was lots of cheering this week as Governor Little signed a very minimal School Choice Bill. Let’s face it folks, the only reason he signed this bill is because Trump gave him kudos for our legislature getting this bill passed. To be sure, the teacher’s union and democrats are screaming that this is the […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

A Letter to President Donald J. Trump

1600 Pennsylvania Ave.Washington D.C. 20500-0001 I’m writing this letter because I’m quite concerned about your recent praise for our Governor Brad Little in regard to the School Choice bill in our legislature. I assure you that it was not Brad Little who sponsored this bill. I can recall during our last gubernatorial primary election you […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

87% of Idahoans Want the Grocery Tax Repealed

I have concluded that our legislators have forgotten that they work for the people and here is why. In a recent survey, we find that “Eighty-Seven” percent of Idahoans want the Grocery Tax repealed, yet many of our legislators seem to think we are better off if we keep this tax. Idaho is one of […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Pigs are Squealing as their Taxpayer Piggy Bank is Closed

If you ever wondered what it was like to live on a Pig Farm just turn on your TV to CNN or MSNBC and listen to some of the latest liberal politicians showing their disdain for Elon Musk’s investigation and shutdown of USAID. When you hear the screeching of Maxine Waters and the chanting of […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Trump Flexes His Political Muscles

As President Trump gets his team approved by the Senate, some Democratic members have been vocal, often turning questions into monologues. Democrats seem more concerned about potential retribution from Trump’s picks than their qualifications. The administration aims to change the Washington bureaucracy by requiring workers to be present in their offices or leave with a […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Freedom and Unity: The Legacy of Martin Luther King’s Dream

A welcome change of venue for America: As President Trump took the reins of America on Martin Luther King’s birthday, we once again can celebrate the freedoms bestowed upon us by our forefathers who gave us the foundation that our country has been built upon. In my lifetime I cannot remember when I have seen […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Today Begins The Rebirth of America

Today we are all looking forward to a new era of hope and prosperity as Donald Trump takes over as President and I pray that God will give him the Wisdom, Knowledge, and Faith to guide our country back to the free world leader we once were. No longer will we be living in an […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Bad Choices Can Yield Devastating Results

As America is about to turn the page on four years of anarchy and chaos, we should all reflect back to the 2020 election when 81 million Americans voted to elect Joesph Biden the leader of our nation. I believe most of us would agree that this was the biggest mistake in the history of […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Is there a Need for H1B visas?

For many years I have personally been opposed to H1B visas primarily because of the games that big corporations play using a system that is meant to be means to benefit our country’s economy and instead turn it into a way for them to make more profits with lower cost wages. Years ago, I wrote […]

Gem State Patriot News