
U.S. Congressman Russ Fulcher and Senator Jim Risch Lead Bicameral Amicus Supporting Idaho’s Pro-Life SCOTUS Case

WASHINGTON D.C. – U.S. Congressman Russ Fulcher (ID-01) and U.S. Senator Jim Risch (R-Idaho) filed an amicus brief today with the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) in the case of Moyle v. United States American and Idaho v. United States of America. The brief supports the State of Idaho in defending its pro-life law, the Defense of Life […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Invasion at our Southern Border!

Fulcher speaks at CPAC: “We need to prioritize securing our own borders over those of other countries.” We need to prioritize securing our own borders over those of other countries. — Rep. Russ Fulcher (@RepRussFulcher) February 23, 2024 I won’t beat around the bush. Our country is being invaded right now. Customs and Border […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Congressman Russ Fulcher: Trump 2024 has my Endorsement!

America is in crisis. Our borders are open to human traffickers, drug smugglers, violent criminals, and terrorists. Thanks to “Bidenomics,” the American dream is out of reach for millions while the far-left tries to enact draconian gun control laws and a federal takeover of elections. Folks, we’re at a crossroads. The battle to save the […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Congressman Fulcher’s Statement on the Biden Administration’s Attempt to Undermine Congress Over the Snake River Dams

WASHINGTON D.C. – On Thursday, December 14, the Biden Administration announced a potential 10-year stay in the Lower Snake River Dams mediation with over $1 billion in additional funding for fish restoration and studies to offset the hydropower, transportation, and recreation benefits that these dams provide.  “The Biden Administration seems to be forgetting that Congress […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Congressman Fulcher Praises Continued Expansion of GTN Express Project To Benefit Idaho

KAMIAH, ID – At the conclusion of a crowded Congressional Town Hall in Kamiah, Idaho, Congressman Russ Fulcher reiterated his support for the approval of the Gas Transmission Northwest XPress Project (GTN Xpress) by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to benefit his constituents in Idaho. The approval of the GTN Xpress project will allow […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Press Release: Congressman Fulcher’s Statement on Final Continuing Resolution

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 1st, 2023 CONTACT: (202) 225-6611 WASHINGTON, D.C. — “The wide-open Southern Border continues to be the most dangerous exposure to the United States for human trafficking, terrorism, drugs, and illegal migrants to enter unabated. The White House’s spending spree has crippled American families with high inflation and unsustainable energy prices. That’s […]

Opinions / Op-eds

“Treating Tribes & Counties as Good Neighbor Authority Act” Passes House of Representatives

WASHINGTON, D.C. — H.R. 1450, “Treating Tribes & Counties as Good Neighbor Authority Act,” passed out of the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday, September 14th, 2023, on a voice vote. H.R. 1450 will modify the Good Neighbor Authority to allow counties and Tribes to retain timber receipts from authorized restoration projects. H.R. 1450 is […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Dear DOJ: Leave the Politics to Congress

By taking unprecedented steps to repeatedly prosecute former President Donald Trump, the Department of Justice (DOJ) stands as a prime example for why Washington, D.C., is known as “The Swamp.” These are non-elected personnel, acting with clear political bias, using U.S. law as a weapon. The only thing that rivals their level of bias against […]


PRESS RELEASE: Fulcher’s “Broadband for Americans through Responsible Streamlining Act” Passes Natural Resources Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. — H.R. 4141, the “Broadband for Americans through Responsible Streamlining Act” (BARS Act), passed out of the Committee on Natural Resources on Wednesday, July 26th, 2023. Congressman Fulcher also shepherded similar legislation through the Energy & Commerce Committee in May of this year through H.R. 3297, “Reducing Barriers for Broadband on Federal Lands […]


PRESS RELEASE: Congressman Fulcher’s Statement on National Defense Authorization Act

Contact:Matthew WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman Fulcher made the following statement concerning the passage of the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act: “The National Defense Authorization Act holds the Pentagon accountable, cuts wasteful spending, modernizes weapons to defend our nation, and counters China, Russia, and other threats. This bill also restores honor to […]


Fulcher’s Treating Tribes and Counties as Good Neighbors Act Passed in Natural Resources Committee

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Treating Tribes and Counties as Good Neighbors Act, legislation introduced by Congressman Russ Fulcher (R-ID), passed the House Committee on Natural Resources today with bipartisan, unanimous support. H.R. 1450 extends eligibility for the Good Neighbor Authority (GNA) program to counties and Tribes, giving them the ability to reinvest receipts in authorized restoration […]


Western Caucus Members Introduce Bill to Protect Multiple-Use on Federal Lands

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Congressman John Curtis (R-UT), alongside Congressional Western Caucus Chairman Dan Newhouse (R-WA) and Congressman Russ Fulcher (R-ID), introduced legislation to halt the proposed Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public lands rule that undermines the agency’s approach to federal land management by upending decades of multiple-use administration. With more than 90% of BLM’s 245 […]

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