Rabbi Meir Soloveichik has suggested in several of his writings that when Abraham Lincoln referred to The American People as “the almost chosen People” in his second inaugural address in 1865, he gave us both an insight into the values that guided his political philosophy, but he also was giving us a warning. A warning […]
Author: Dr. John Livingston
Where has $45 million of our tax dollars gone? In the Wall Street Journal was a very interesting article identifying a problem that conservatives anticipated prior to the implementation of Medicaid expansion. The per capita increase in spending nationwide on the Medicaid expansion population patients is 16% higher over the past 3 years than on the […]
A Different Way to Pray
I would be lying if I didn’t admit that I was very disappointed with Mitt Romney’s vote on the 1st Article of Impeachment the so-called abuse of power whatever that is. In 2012 I personally gave more money to Mitt’s campaign than I have to all the other campaigns I have contributed too combined. Same […]
We have class privilege in our country and not gender or race privilege. Many of the special opportunities available for upward mobility across classes and generations are not based on wealth or income, or skin color or ethnicity or gender, but rather on the “human capital” of parents and grandparents, and communities, who invest their […]
Required reading for many college students in the 1960s was a book called “The Media is The Massage”. It was written by Marshal McLuhan who purposefully substituted the word MASSAGE for MESSAGE. The term “Message” assumes two components. The first is content which is simply information. The second component is described as the character of […]
James Madison in Federalist 10 defines faction “as a number of people amounting to a majority or minority of the whole who are united by a common passion or emotion that is adverse to the rights of other citizens or to the aggregate interests of the community” There is almost nowhere one goes in these […]
Ode to the “Great Swamp Creature”
Today is a great day for America. Nancy Pelosi has announced that the Democrats in The House of Representatives have filed Articles of Impeachment against President Trump. The slimy liberal progressives have finally crawled out from under their rocks. This is great news for conservatives. Each time the Dems try to make their case publically […]
In this week’s edition of Idaho Politics Weekly Luke Mayville has written a letter thanking all his volunteers for helping pass Medicaid expansion. A pleasant gesture for sure, but to me it really points out the great chasm between progressive values and traditional classical liberal (today called conservative) philosophy. In his article Professor Mayville never […]
“Bubbles we buy with a whole soul’s tasking” Speaker of The Idaho House of Representatives Scott Bedke and the majority leadership in the Idaho House offered an editorial in Idaho Politics Weekly entitled “Medicaid Expansion is throwing thousands off their insurance”. Remember—”You can keep your doctor you can keep your plan”?—NOT. When politicians and government […]
Let’s Make Idaho Great Again
On July 13th of this year, I penned an editorial published in The Gem State Patriot entitled “Where are our Legislators on Health Care?” Several other Idaho physicians have asked the same question and opined in editorial pages around the State asking similar questions. It has been obvious to many that the lobbyists in the […]
One point was made that made me reconsider a small corner of my position. Mat Erpelding, the Minority leader in the Idaho House, related a story that was interesting but not relevant to the issue. He is an Assistant Professor of Recreational Studies. When he held a similar position at Texas A&M he had 20 […]
I grew up in Ohio in the 1960s. In Ohio and Western Pennsylvania, football was and remains today a religion. I was lucky enough in the late ’60s and early ’70s to play for two state championship high school football teams and one NCAA Division 3 Championship football team. My high school team was completely […]