John Livingston

Inflation is Government’s Best Friend

Midway through the DNC Convention week we are back to ground zero in the National Presidential Election sweepstakes. The economy is in a state of limbo just now emerging from a faux Covid-induced overspending and a 22% overall inflationary spiral that has created a dichotomy between those who benefit—investors in some asset classes, and those […]

John Livingston

Don’t Try to Catch the Casted Stones

It seems that the Dems have little to run on this election cycle. Their Marxist Policies have failed. They call our candidates’ names—fascist, bigots, and “alley cats”. Because their policies have placed everyday Americans in places economically that some could never have imagined four years ago, the policy wonks at the DNC have decided to […]

John Livingston

Labor Unions Have a History of Racism

In light of the fact that unions are playing a disproportionate role in this year’s Presidential election, and especially because I have opined recently about the impact that Biden- Harris economic policy has had on American workers with green new deal energy jobs going overseas and replacing traditional manufacturing jobs in our country; I today […]

John Livingston

Who is Gouging Whom?

Finally, Kamala has shown her true colors. She is a socialist Marxist and believes that the people actually exist to serve the government and not the other way around. Calling out major food processing and grocery companies for “gouging” consumers is typical of people who don’t understand basic economics. Yes, consumer and producer prices are […]

John Livingston

Run Toward Danger

The focus on almost everyone across the nation including Idaho is on the November Presidential and down ballot elections that are less than 80 days away. Concerns about election fraud and malfeasance in the collection and counting of ballots are in my opinion real and are of great concern. There is no question in my […]

John Livingston

Confront Evil — Always!

I am having an incredible week with my grandson Brayden. Brayden is 8 years old, and he lives in Belview Washington. We spent 5 days camping in Donnelly and now we are back just as the smoke has lifted in Boise. Like most boys his age he is very interested in all things military. Knowing […]

John Livingston

Marxism vs Capitalism — The Choice is Ours

I have long followed Fr. Robert Sirico the Founder of the Actin Institute. Actin was founded in 1990 with the purpose of combining religious and economic education and providing the religious and laity academic communities with an historical liberal perspective, based on Biblical and Natural Law Principles. I was first attracted to Fr. Sirico after […]

John Livingston

Is Trump being “GOLDWATERED”?

I had a front row seat to the Presidential Election of 1964 between Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona and Lyndon Johnson who became President after John Kennedy was assassinated. My father gave up his business for a year and ran Mr. Goldwater’s campaign in Ohio. Ohio was at the epicenter of that campaign, until the […]

John Livingston

The Shunning of Deplorables

Early in my life I became aware of the cowardly act of “shunning”. I lived with my Quaker Grandparents in Swarthmore Pa. for 5 years as my father was deployed to Korea and Japan during the Korean War. My mother worked at the Naval Hospital in Philadelphia, so my grandmother became my surrogate mother. Most […]

John Livingston

Mr. Burke and Mr. Lincoln

The Progressive wing of the Democratic Party continues its’ unrelenting march of divisiveness. Placing individuals into categories and competing factions has been the modus operandi of Saul Alinsky sycophants since the early 1960’s. They purposefully and thoughtfully create conflicts instead of trying to create harmony. Marxist theory requires class warfare. The oppressed vs the oppressor. […]

John Livingston

There are no Heroes

In every culture there are heroes. In almost every instance the purpose of a “god” or a “Saint”, a great warrior or a devil is to set some sort of a standard—good or bad. At a very young age we learn about the virtues, the evils, the accomplishments and shortcomings of heroes. At a later […]

John Livingston

If Not Now, When? If Not You, Who?

Like many Republicans, I have been bathing in the afterglow of the Republican convention. “Kumbaya”. We should celebrate for a day or two and then get back to work. Where are the voices from two years ago from the corporate mercantilist wing of our party that preached from the pulpit of Tolerance—not acceptance? Mitt, Romney, […]

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