Opinions / Op-eds

Affordable Idaho

“Just a touch of sarcasm” Reclaim Idaho has a brilliant plan to deal with Idaho’s drug, crime, and homelessness problems while making housing more affordable for everyone. Remember that Reclaim brought us Medicaid Expansion that they promised would cost $350 million but it performed three times better and now costs about a Billion dollars a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

What the 2024 Idaho Presidential Caucus might be like

During the last legislative session, the Secretary of State Phil McGrane pushed legislation to move the Presidential Primary from March to May. Unfortunately, the bill was poorly drafted and what it really did was to ELIMINATE Idaho’s Presidential Primary entirely. Despite this flaw, the Governor signed the bill which disenfranchised every Idaho citizen from expressing […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Unleash the Power of School Choice

Life is competition. Every organism on the planet, from virus to human, is the champion of a generation’s long struggle for the right to exist. Every product you consider, collect or consume is the result of innumerable competitive transactions. There are so many competitive transactions that must occur to produce even the simplest product that […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Blame Game Fear

“Fear is the mind killer.” Frank Herbert Fear is a powerful motivator, which is why fear is often deployed as a tool for persuasion, particularly in politics where blame is assigned to past events and future predictions. We see it all the time. If you don’t vote a certain way something bad will happen. Your […]


Is Reclaim Idaho guilty of a $500,000 Sunshine Law Violation?

My recent article exposing the deep collusion between Reclaim Idaho and The Fairness Project, the brainchild of a shady California labor union president, received the predictable responses. One response was the liberal media and Reclaim representatives Luke Mayville and Rebecca Schroeder quickly attempting to deflect, claiming I had no right to speak the truth because of […]


Reclaim Idaho Knows All About Corruption…and Hypocrisy

The sheer hypocrisy of Luke Mayville’s recent op-ed accusing Republicans of corruption (very subtly titled, “Corruption, Corruption, Corruption”) is truly amazing. You see, Mayville – a New York City Ivy League professor who leads the group “Reclaim Idaho,” which was behind the Medicaid expansion initiative on the November 2018 ballot – has relied on hundreds […]


Has Political Correctness Overstepped its Bounds?

Are you “Politically Correct”? Do you have the correct politics? Can you give a definition of “politically correct”? The term “politically correct” was originally developed to promote Marxism; it is the antithesis of our First Amendment, especially the Freedom of Speech. Totalitarian enforcers of political correctness claim to be working for the betterment of society […]


By the Numbers: Proposition 2 Failed Among Republican Voters

Proposition 2 supporters are demanding that the legislature follow the “will of the people” and allocate funding for the initiative. This raises the question of which people’s will should they follow; the ones who elected them or the ones who didn’t? In Kootenai County, only 34% of Republican voters supported Proposition 2 in the last […]


The Constitution vs. The Will of the People

The Petition: In our democracy we must respect the ‘will of the people’ is a phrase we have all heard, but is it true? Is the democratic majority the ultimate standard of what is right? Imagine for the moment that there is a voter initiative on the ballot, call it Proposition 0, that specifies […]


Parkland, What we aren’t being told

Too many things don’t add up regarding the Parkland shooting. The perp was visited 39 times by police (Broward Sheriff says that is a lie…it was only 23 times) The first responder LEOs waited outside. The FBI was warned and did nothing. Within 48 hours the local authorities said it would take $28.5M to level […]


Brent Regan’s view of Donald Trump

I like Ted Cruz, and I also like Trump, but for completely different reasons. In my experience as a manager I have found that if you look for a person’s talents and then find a way to apply them, success will be close at hand. Cruz and Trump have completely different skill sets but they […]


Apple and the Third Amendment

My reasoning on why Apple should not comply with the court order to hack its own product. We know that you can be subpoenaed to appear in court and give testimony in a criminal case. Can the government force you to engage in activities that you would ordinarily not do? Can they force you to […]

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