We have the election results and all of the Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC) Recommended Candidates won their races. KCRCC Recommended Candidates Leslie Duncan, Marc Eberlein, Bob Norris, Carl Bjerke and Elaine Price won their competitive races by wide margins. This is a repeat of the 2022 primary where all of the KCRCC Recommended […]
Author: Brent Regan, KCRCC Chair
White Elephant or Trojan Horse
“They have been calling themselves “Republican” for so long they have started to believe it.” Senator Scott Herndon, Freedom Caucus member. “There is a LOT in the (Republican) Platform that I don’t agree with.” Sandy Patano, North Idaho “Republican” (NIR) founder. The NIR logo is a White Elephant and a “White Elephant” is something that […]
Principle or Power
“Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.” Alexander Hamilton What is a Republican? Anyone who is qualified to vote can affiliate with the Republican Party and call themselves a “Republican.” There is no test or oath, just check a box and you are in. But what if there is a candidate who claims to […]
Answering the Critics
There is a coordinated statewide effort to destroy the Idaho Conservative Grassroots Movement from the inside and turn Idaho blue. A gang of Boise political consultants calling themselves “Gem State Conservatives” brag about having $2 million to accomplish this goal. In truth it’s the “Gem State Heist” because it’s nearly identical to the Rocky Mountain […]
Shut Up!
“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” George Orwell ‘Faith, family and freedom loving conservative Republicans need to shut up and go away.’ That is the message we are hearing from the Democrats and their allies in the Republican Party. There is a statewide effort to crush the grassroots […]
“Get Dorothy Moon”
Since the moment of Dorothy Moon’s landslide victory at the 2022 Idaho State Convention, former chairman Tom Luna, his unhinged sidekick Trent Clark and fellow travelers have been waging a disinformation campaign to discredit and depose Madam Chairman Dorothy Moon. They formed the ironically titled “Gem State Conservatives” PAC and are using funds from undisclosed […]
Hate On Display
It seems like our governments are populated with sociopaths that would rather blow up our institutions and economy than give power back to the people. Let’s examine the recent alleged incident where a man in a truck assaulted the University of Utah’s women’s basketball team. “Assault” because an assault can be verbal if it induces […]
Recommended Candidates
The Kootenai County Republican Central Committee (KCRCC), the official Republican Party, has made their recommendations for the upcoming May Primary Election. The KCRCC candidate rating and vetting process is just that, a process involving questionnaires, interviews, candidate forums, due diligence, sub-committee reports, discussion, debate, and finally a vote by the full KCRCC. Candidates are initially […]
Party On – Gem State Heist
Last week I wrote about the need for political parties because they bring stability to our Republican form of government and how that stability is under threat from the Uniparty. A little over four years ago Democrat operatives rented an entire floor in a downtown Boise office building and staffed it with a rumored $8M […]
Party On
Political parties are private organizations. They are the manifestation of our freedom of association, our fundamental right to increase our persuasive capability by gathering with likeminded individuals to petition our government. Political parties are a necessary evil. Evil because they pit citizens against one another. Necessary in that we need the conflict to ensure the […]
Caucus Saboteurs
Last Saturday, thanks to efforts by the Idaho Republican Party, nearly 40,000 Idaho Republicans were able to cast their vote for their preferred Presidential Candidate. This could not have happened without the Republican Party acting after the Secretary of State, the legislature and the Governor all agreed to cancel the March Presidential Primary. What is […]
Critics and Liars
Hearing some of the complaints about the upcoming caucus I am reminded of the story of the young mother and son’s day at the beach. One day a young mother agrees to take her 6-year-old son to the beach. On arrival, mom sets up her towel and umbrella and then admonishes her son not to […]