Opinions / Op-eds

Youth Mental Health as an Investment

Mental health problems in youth were rarely heard of during the 1950’s and 60’s. There was no rash of suicides plaguing families, kids cutting on their bodies, or an abundance of psychiatric facilities. The development of different psychiatric medications began to explode in the late 1980’s and 1990’s. Since that time, with more medications being developed, and more psychiatric facilities being built, so has the case been made that more youth are mentally ill. 

In Idaho there has been a growth of mental health services in juvenile corrections, schools and state government with Governor Little promising to pour more money into treatment. He even allocated more money for psychiatric facilities which has been used to expand facilities for youth. The Idaho Behavioral Health Council is helping with the expansion of these facilities for youth as well. Historically, it was the development of psychotropic medication that led to the release of so many individuals locked up in psychiatric facilities and improved quality of life in the 1950’s and 60’s, so why are we going backwards? Why is putting children in facilities, away from their families, a priority? The federal government’s involvement in the mental health system has vacillated over the years, but is now looking at mental health care as an “investment“, investment being the key word here. Only one thing comes to mind, “If you build it, they will come“.

To engage youth and parents in the mental health scheme, the federal government created What is interesting about this site is the “13 federal departments and 12 federal agencies” that “collaborate” with the private sector and non-profits to promote its programs. Since when did the federal government become the parent to your child? Youth mental health can be deemed a social problem in which aggressive efforts are underway to identify as many youth as possible in need of some form of treatment. Forms of treatment may include medication, therapy, community based services, crisis care, residential care, and of course hospitalization that can then be transferred into other areas of their life. Once deemed mentally ill it can become very difficult escaping the system. 

Perhaps the most important issue to understand here is that this field of medicine has become a marketplace for profits. Much like the Covid-19 episode earned billions of dollars for corporations, such is the same methodology here. The formula is very simple. By creating, perpetuating, or amplifying a problem, corporations then advance the solutions to fix it, for profit. Just like Covid-19 “threats” continue to be thrown in our face, these social problems will never be fixed by anything they do, all become a never ending profit making scheme for the corporations. 

Christ Troupis Book

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and its corporate partners recognize this and are ready to galvanize the needed social innovations to address the problem by building future markets and designing new products and services. Much like what is seen with Covid-19, new markets and products were catalysts for major profits. Or climate change and the investments in green energy that will reap profits for corporations. Rather than the forest service practicing good forest management that reduces fire risks, too much money can be made to let them burn, another scam to promote climate change as the problem, there is no reason for an end to it. As seen by the “pandemic”, pharmaceutical companies and hospitals were also provided a huge profit by the government, as Covid-19 continues to be declared an ongoing threat.

Called social impact investing, as part of the Environment Social Governance (ESG) model, investments are made based on a positive social return, a concept supported by the (OECD). A youth identified with a mental illness creates a demand for more medications, hospitals, mental health clinics, and providers, all of which make wonderful social investment opportunities. As they age the mental health support is continued for a more productive workforce. The ball just keeps on rolling with mental health markets predicted to have continued growth. While on the surface it is twisted into a need for a happier and healthier society, and workforce, it is really a market for profit, an abuse of our healthcare system, and most tragically an abuse of children and parental rights.

Social impact investing is explained in more depth in this article. “Social impact investments are a type of investment that channels funds to organizations that are tackling social issues. The expectation is to gain financial returns but also have a positive impact on these matters.” Once again, (ESG) plays a role in how investments are made. Some investment highlights include focusing on primary areas like health care and education, two targeted areas used to identify mental health issues in youth. Investment platforms offer opportunities for investing in mental health including venture capital funding.

The more devastating aspect of this, as it was with Covid-19, is that treatment is determined by corporate protocols for profit rather than by qualified, and more likely ethical professionals. Dictates will come from corporate heads who know nothing about mental health and who are instead looking at profit margins, and the burden on society will expand as more are placed into the government system.

Which corporations will benefit from the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act or the Restoring Hope for Mental Health and Well-Being Act of 2022? Governor Little will most likely be standing in line waiting for his allotment. Yes, business will be good for Idaho mental health clinics, hospitals, and providers at the expense of children.

Merck and Pfizer, both devoted to ESG, are a couple of pharmaceutical companies that make social impact investments for a positive return. Focus Investment Banking even points out there is a growing interest in behavioral health with increasing investment opportunities. To keep that investment return, new targets have to be identified and they must never become well.

The WEF also has what is called a social impact bond market. Investments can be made in a social issue and if the target outcome is achieved and creates a positive return for the investor, profits continue for the social problem. These bonds also involve a public-private partnership (P3), a mixing of government into healthcare, which only contributes to corporate influence. State legislators are also a target for this scam.

Alison McDowell is a researcher who is very familiar with the current agendas. While the full video is worth watching, at the 19:05″ mark she touches on the social impact investing concept and how those social problems will never be solved because “no global market is going to eliminate the source of its profit”. Problems are perpetuated to keep the flow of capital coming in.

So the hunt is on to find children with a mental illness, supports are put into place that will connect them to the needed treatment, and their life becomes a pawn in a much greater plot for corporate greed. The WEF already has a Global Framework For Youth Mental Health that Health & Human Services can follow. 

This article is not intended to offend or negate anyone, whether young, old, or as a parent, who has benefited from any mental health treatment, dissuade any parent from seeking treatment for their child, or suggest that there aren’t any children in need of mental health treatment. Seeking treatment for a child is up to the parent, not at the direction of institutions that are systemically searching and participating in this endeavor. It is merely to alert parents to the government, along with corporate and market investors, expanding their search in identifying youth with a mental illness and the red flags that are raised concerning their intentions. There is money to be made and the hunt is on for future capital for “decades to come“. It is also an insult and disparaging to those who truly need treatment, with corporate predators that only seek prey they can exploit for hidden purposes.

Guard your children closely, don’t let them fall prey to the education, health, or other systems that want to take hold of them. As the parent you know your child, listen to your instincts about what they need and what is harming them.

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