
Why Hillary Will Never Be President: Part Three – A Threat to National Security

Hillary Clinton’s transgressions are well documented. The level of lies, fraud, and cover-up is legendary. Yet, the left has continued to absolve Mrs. Clinton, writing off her offenses as the result of common human error. Most folks would be in prison for those “errors.” But, the left is so desperate to field a viable presidential candidate that anything short of a serial killing spree will go unpunished.

However, there is one element of the Clinton equation that has not been given adequate coverage . . . the potential security risks which are likely to surface should Hillary Clinton be elected president. We know that Hillary maintained a private e-mail server during her tenure as Secretary of State. We also know that the Clinton Foundation accepted huge donations from foreign governments and businessmen. Hillary claims that there were no security issues with her e-mail account, and the foreign donations were strictly philanthropic in nature. I disagree.

Clinton Foundation Foreign Donations

While Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, foreign governments and businesses donated tens of millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation, which were not reported to the IRS, as well as $48 million in speaker fees to Bill Clinton. Aside from an obvious conflict of interest, the donations also violated an ethics agreement that Hillary had with the Obama administration. Many of the donations have come with a very apparent quid pro quo.

One example is the Russian purchase of a major Canadian uranium producer with mining assets in the United States and Kazakhstan. The purchase of Uranium One by Russian state-owned Rosatom needed the federal government’s approval, including that of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. During the purchase of Uranium One, its chairman made donations totaling $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation, and millions of dollars in additional donations were made by Uranium One investors. At the same time, Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow sponsored by a Russian investment bank that was promoting Uranium One stock.

Not only was the approval given, it was fast-tracked. It took only 4 months for the sale to be approved. In contrast, the purchase of a U.S. biometrics company by a French government-controlled defense contractor, happening at the same time, took almost two years and presented virtually no security risk.

The Russians now control one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States. There were assurances from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission that uranium could not leave the U.S. without Uranium One obtaining an export license. However, despite the lack of an export license, uranium was sent to a processing plant in Canada using the export license of RSB Logistic Services, the company which transported the uranium. Twenty-five percent of the processed uranium was then sent directly to Western Europe and Japan.

Russia already sends uranium to Iran. It is not inconceivable to think that U.S. uranium could end up in the hands of the Iranians.

Also, while Hillary was Secretary of State, the Clinton Foundation received an $8.6 million donation plus an additional pledge of $20 million from the Victor Pinchuk Foundation. Pinchuk is the owner of Interpipe, a Cypress-based company that provided pipeline equipment to Iran during that same period. The sale was a direct violation of U.S. trade sanctions, and the State Department is required to impose additional sanctions against such violators. In the case of Pinchuk, sanctions were never imposed.

Again, during this same period, the Clinton Foundation accepted tens of millions of dollars in donations from Pacific Rubiales, a Columbian oil company which had amassed a number of human rights violations. Initially, Hillary lobbied against a U.S. – Columbia trade pact due to these violations. However, after these donations had been made, Hillary abruptly changed her position and supported the trade pact.

Rilin Enterprises, a Chinese company that is closely tied to China’s internal security department, pledged $2 million to the Clinton Foundation in 2013. Bill Clinton was also investigated during the 1996 campaign when it was discovered that the People’s Republic of China had apparently been involved procuring contributions to the Clinton campaign. The Democratic National Committee was eventually forced to return $2,825,600 in contributions that were deemed to be either illegal or improper.

Also, during Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State, the Clinton Foundation accepted a $500,000 donation from the Algerian government for “earthquake relieve” in Haiti, at a time when Algeria was negotiating with the State Department regarding human rights violations.

Another infamous foreign Clinton Foundation donor is Lebanese billionaire Issam Fares. Fares has maintained close ties to Hezbollah, and his contempt for Israel is well-documented.

Overall, between 2001 and 2014, Middle Eastern countries donated almost 3 times as much to the Clinton Foundation as they did to the Red Cross. This goes beyond philanthropy.

Any foreign entity intent on making a philanthropic donation would do at least a cursory job of vetting its intended charities. Any country vetting the Clinton Foundation would have discovered that only about fifteen percent of the money collected by the Clinton Foundation actually makes it to anything resembling a charitable cause. According to IRS documents, the Clinton Foundation raised more than $500 million between 2009 and 2012. Of that, only fifteen percent went towards programmatic grants. Approximately $110 million went toward employee salaries and benefits. Another $25 million went toward travel expenses. The remaining $290 million went toward “other expenses.” Any guesses as to what “other expenses” entails? We need an itemized accounting of that category.

There are many other charities worldwide that have a far better record of actual giving, who are not on a “watch list” for problematic charities. So, why would a foreign entity bypass the more “charitable” organizations and give millions of dollars to the Clinton Foundation? Because, these donors expect something in return. This is about buying access and influence with Hillary Clinton. This is a shakedown. The Clintons can be bought. Special consideration from Hillary is just a checkbook away. The same thing goes for a Hillary speech. Do you really think people would pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to hear one of Hillary’s “drone and cackle” monologs if there wasn’t something else to be gained? No way. Most people would rather chew on broken glass. But, big paydays for the Clintons result in big favors. The influence peddling never stops.

Hillary’s private E-mail

Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server was not only a violation of U.S. Code, it presents a huge risk to national security.

First of all, foreign intelligence agencies almost certainly would have had the capability to hack any standard commercial server. Last November, the State Department itself was forced to shut down its own unclassified e-mail system after it had been hacked. We know that some of Hillary’s e-mails contained classified information. The Secretary of State deals with foreign treaties, trade negotiations, and other sensitive government material. Individually, much of the communications may appear useless, however collectively they can inadvertently yield a wealth of information to an intelligence gathering entity.

Second, Hillary used a commercial-version Blackberry for most of her communications. This type of Blackberry would be relatively easy to hack by a sophisticated intelligence entity, and once hacked, the built-in microphone could be activated to eavesdrop on private conversations.

Regardless of Hillary’s security level, she was communicating with other departments and officials who were also considered high value targets. It is likely that there were e-mails which Mrs. Clinton wanted to delete in an effort to avoid scrutiny. In all, Hillary destroyed more than 30,000 e-mails. Some of those e-mails may have contained information damning to Clinton that the recipient could later use to blackmail her.

When asked about the likelihood that Hillary’s e-mails had been hacked, a top U.S. intelligence official stated that it was “likely.”


Hillary has secrets . . . lots of secrets. It is likely that some of those secrets are serious enough to be blackmailed over. At the very least, the fear of exposure would impact the decision-making process within the White House. It is obvious that the Clintons are more than willing to put their best interests ahead of the nation.

Foreign governments are prohibited from contributing money to American politicians. However, the Clinton Foundation gave foreign governments the ability to circumvent conflict of interest regulations and curry favor with the Clintons. These donations are likely to have influenced foreign policy, and may eventually create a national security risk.

How can anyone who displays that kind of arrogance and disregard for national security be considered for the position of president?

As President, Hillary would fill her cabinet with lackeys who are more than willing to assist in any needed cover-up.

If Hillary is elected, transparency would be virtually non-existent. There is way too much that needs to be kept hidden.

Most people surveyed think that Hillary is not trustworthy. How can we, in good conscience, make her the president?

Bill Clinton has lots of skeletons in his closet too. It is just as likely that Mr. Clinton’s demons will come back to haunt the White House should Hillary be elected.

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