John Livingston

We had a Great Awakening

For the past four years several times a day I have prayed that we have another GREAT AWAKENING IN OUR COUNTRY. WE have had several such religious revivals. Faith, has always informed our political philosophy and politics in our country, starting with the words of our GREAT DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE.—’WE are endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights”. The Church Fathers have informed us that we are all created in God’s image and that is precisely why there is equality amongst all men—very different than the liberal progressive utopian promise of “Equity”. The foundation of Natural Law Theory—”A Law imprinted in the hearts of all men grounded in the faculties of reason and revelation”, can be found in Christian ideals of “free will” that is the bases for Enlightenment theories of “liberty”. Free will and liberty cannot be coerced. FREE WILL AND LIBERTY are joined at the hip. Individual choice can never be coerced or enforced by an ecclesiastical or civil heavy hand. The “Oaths of Allegiance” of antiquity, have been replaced by oaths of allegiance to conscience—otherwise there would be no FREE WILL or LIBERTY.

The election yesterday for people of faith who were so much a part of our great political victory was that faith was turned back into hope. In my humble opinion the story that the media is completely missing this morning after the election is absolutely remarkable. In short Evangelical Christians, Conservative Catholics, mainstream Jews, and in Dearborn Michigan Muslims were the difference for Mr. Trump.

Evangelical Christians that usually show up at a rate of 50% in most elections—about 50 million people. This year that number was 80%. Usually, Evangelicals vote 80% Republican. This year that number 88%—72 million people.

 The numbers for Catholics have already been crunched:

According to the Washington Post’s exit poll, Trump won the national Catholic vote by a 15-point margin: 56% to 41%. This shows a much larger victory for Trump among Catholic voters than the Post’s 2020 exit polls, which showed Trump with only a five-point lead above President Joe Biden, 52% to 47%. The shift represents a 10-point swing in favor of Trump from 2020 to 2024.

Abortion was not the overwhelming issue that the abortionists thought it would be!

It has been reported on Fox that the Muslim population in Dearborn Michigan ( where one of the largest Arab American populations in our country is located) flipped from 2020 where they voted with a 40% majority for Biden in 2020 to just about the same margin for Trump this year. Without Dearborn Trump might not have won Michigan!

The media—even conservative outlets and platforms are completely missing the cause and the point of what happened on election day in our country. WE HAD A GREAT AWAKENING

Our country was founded by people of faith. The principles upon which it was founded were based on Christian and Natural Law ideals that have been passed on to us through great wars, famines and depressions, and a social revolution after World War II, that had its’ origins in orthodox socialism. The progressive elite that for over 40 years have done everything in their power to marginalize and characterize Christian conservatives from Rondal Reagan, Sarah Palin and most acutely Donald Trump—where the full force of “lawfare” and government progressive socialist factions have tried to destroy their political opponents, and most importantly the people who supported them.

Deplorables—People who cling to their guns and Bibles—Garbage—Have been words that have been used to describe the people across all walks of life who have stood by our traditional founding principles and who have stood by Mr. Trump and his fellow conservatives.

I disagree with my Quaker Grandmother: “Sticks and stones CAN break my bones”—But words like “racist, fascist, misogynist, and Nazi hurt even more because they speak to what is in our souls

In the end it was the coalition of people of faith that put Mr. Trump over the top. Evangelical Christians, Conservative and Charismatic Catholics, and in Dearborn Michigan Arab American Muslims.

Prayers have been answered. WE have new challenges in front of us and we must continue to pray for our country and our President—as we have done whichever party is in control.


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