Bob's Words of Wisdom

Truth or Consequences

I would like to take this opportunity today to talk about Choices as we are now 86 days from the presidential election. I believe it is becoming more obvious to those who voted for Joe Biden in 2020 that they made a huge mistake and have been suffering the consequences for the past 3 ½ years. The big question is will these same people fall for more of the lies from Kamala that have caused many working Americans so much economic pain? Bad economic policies and more government regulation have left the average family with a choice of gas in the car or food on the table. Inflation has reached its highest level in 40 years and even though it has slowed recently the cost of everything is up by 20% or more while wages have not kept pace.

Who is responsible for this current conundrum and why is this presidential election so important? If you listen to the democrats it is Trump who is responsible but by the same token, the republicans will blame our current problems on the Biden administration. The truth be known both are responsible for our problems although most of the blame can be placed squarely on democrats along with Biden’s war on fossil fuels and increased government regulations which have caused most of today’s economic problems. Remember Congress controls America’s piggy bank and it took a number of republicans voting with the democrats to pass the trillion-dollar spending bills which have raised our national debt to an unstainable 35.3 Trillion dollars.

The economy grows when businesses create jobs and it was the Trump administration that created 7 million jobs as middle class family income rose by $6,000, while the unemployment rate reached 3.5% the lowest in 50 years. I could go on and on but here is a link that will give you more of the reasons our economy grew.

Christ Troupis Book

This economic boom was largely due to unleashing gas and oil exploration which cut the price of energy and ignited growth. Cheap energy is the key to a strong and growing economy as just about everything we do can be related to the cost of energy from the clothes we wear to the food we eat. If it hadn’t been for the plan-demic of Covid which as it turned out was no worse than a bad case of the flu Trump would probably have been reelected in 2020.

What has Biden done for our country? Well to start off he has opened our borders and allowed millions of illegals to invade our country including terrorists. The average American family has lost $7,100 in purchasing power under Biden due to inflation and high interest rates. He withdrew from Afghanistan leaving 85 billion of equipment behind and cost the lives of 13 of our U.S. service members. He has caused the price of energy to skyrocket. He has allowed enough fentanyl to enter our country to kill every man, woman, and child. Inflation is the highest it has been in 40 years. We have a new WOKE administrative state. He has unleashed Lawfare on his competition Donald Trump. He is under investigation by congress for taking money from foreign governments. Need I say anymore and if you think for a minute that Kamala wasn’t part of all these failures think again. The biggest scandal of all is that Kamala knew just how bad Joe was cognitively and never said a word for 3 ½ years. So who was running the country??

All we hear from the liberal media is that Trump spent more than Biden but in reality, accounting for the changes in cash balances at the Treasury, the debt actually rose $6.5 trillion during Trump’s entire term—and is up $7.9 trillion in less than four years of Biden’s tenure. Biden’s term still has about six months to run and it is expected that by the time it ends, he will be responsible for over 9 Trillion in additional debt. The real dirty little secret that the democrats won’t talk about is he will surpass Obama’s 8.6 Trillion of debt for his 8 years in office while it only took Biden 4 years.

What does this mean for the average American? It means that essentially we are in deep trouble when it comes to financing this 35.3 Trillion in debt. Who would be the better steward of our financial wellbeing in the next 4 years? Personally, I will take Trump back and let him “drill baby drill” along with reversing all the regulations that were imposed by Biden and his cronies. I have said many times that politicians make bad businessmen and both Joe and Kamala have spent their entire lives in the political arena and I doubt that either one of them could even read a balance sheet.

If elected Kamala is not going to be making the important decisions as Obama’s Cabal will have their 4th term working on HOPE & CHANGE. They will be telling her what to do and how to do it. I’m just an old guy who has spent 40 years in the investment business and I have seen this scenario in past history. If for some reason the good lord throws us a curve ball and Kamala is elected then Trump’s prediction will come to pass. Can you say Jimmy Carter? We will find ourselves in a severe recession if not a depression similar to 2008 only this time it will be deeper and last longer than we can imagine. If Harris is elected taxes for the working family will rise to much higher levels. If you think prices are high now just wait and see how fast they rises as a Harris administration continues to push socialism while they tax and spend us into bankruptcy. The dollar is already under siege as the reserve currency what would happen if it should lose that status? Good question but no one seems to have an answer.

Should we be fortunate enough to get Trump elected and he starts off by eliminating all of the Biden administration’s regulations on energy exploration we will have a fighting chance to turn this country around as we will become energy dominant in the world. Lowering energy prices is the quickest way to lower inflation and kick-start the economy as it affects just about everything in the economic arena. It will also allow us to increase trade and bring real manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. where they belong. Low-cost energy is the secret sauce that can make our economy strong again. The real kicker is it will hurt our enemies by driving down the price as it is Russia’s biggest export and Iran will once again be out of business as Trump would announce new sanctions on their oil.

The deep state is going to fight like hell to keep control of the Washington Bureaucracy and there will have to be enormous dislocation of those who currently are in charge. There needs to be mass firings of bureaucrats if we are to save our country and you can bet they will fight tooth and nail to stop Trump from dismantling their access to our tax money. The Democrats say they will not certify the 2024 election if Trump wins but wasn’t that what they accused Trump of doing after the 2020 election. Hummm! I would like everyone to think about that for a minute. I keep saying that it is the Deep State that is behind all of this political nonsense so they can keep control of our tax money. They don’t really care who is in office as long as they get to control what happens and can keep spending us into oblivion with their useless wars.

The day of reckoning is only 86 days away till Americans decide the fate of our country. We have no idea about how many illegals are actually on the voting rolls you can bet that the blue states have been registering them as fast as possible. We as conservatives need to make sure we not only take the Presidency but also the Senate and the House. It will mean an all-out push to get everyone to either vote by mail or vote at the polls on November 5th. We are not going to get another chance to take our country back from these political hacks. If you want to see how fast they turn America into a Banana Republic just stay home and don’t vote because as I always say We Get the Government We Deserve.

God Bless America.

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2 replies on “Truth or Consequences”

Good comprehensive article.

I think there is going to be a huge effort by the Democrats to not certify the election if Trump wins.


However, in the long term (if only we could alleged Christians and patriots to think beyond this or the next election for the sake of their posterity), Trump may very well be the worst choice.


Because Trump will likely do more toward perpetuating the biblically abominable Constitutional Republic than Biden or any other Democrat will.

So are you dizzy and waking up to the fact that you’ve been played like a fiddle?

Round and round and round and round again (incessantly) goes the Constitutional Republic’s election merry-go-round, providing both species of Crocodiles (disguised as Donkeys and Elephants) their turn at the helm, making anyone riding their carousel complicit in anything biblically abominable regardless who’s elected.

And the only direction it travels is round and round and round and round again (incessantly). It never changes and yet, tragically, every two and four years Americans clamor for their alleged voting rights to elect another nincompoop, scoundrel, incompetent, immoral reprobate, or outright criminal to rule over them.

230-plus years of the Constitutional Republic’s unbiblical elections has proven that regardless whether a Donkey or an Elephant gets elected, America has only advanced further down her suicidal trek to the precipice.

Time to get off the Constitutional Republic’s biblically egregious election carousel.

God has better plan!

The best the Constitutional Republic’s election system can ever produce is the lesser of two evils. Sometimes, the worst of the worst. And always, the evil of two lessers.

The Bible’s election system provides the best of the best of two or more biblically qualified candidates, every single time.

For more, see blog article “Constitutional Elections: Dining at the ‘Devil’s Table,'” at

For how the Bible’s one-God, one-vote election system operates, see blog article “Salvation by Election” at Don’t be fooled by the title.

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