
Trump’s Key Positions and Key Endorsers


I wonder about the person who does not vote because he does not like any of the alternatives. Personally I would rather support someone and then be let down than to support no one at all. Note what the Bible says: Rev 3:16


Not too long ago a friend asked me how I, a Christian, could support Donald Trump for president. Ideally we ought to have a president who seeks the Lord in every decision he makes. However it appears that although all our presidents in the past appear to have at least given a nod to God, not all were born again Christians.

Christ Troupis Book

Phil Robertson (Duck Dynasty) said he talked to Trump at the Voters Value Summit and he looks forward to the day he can baptize him. Trump says he is a Presbyterian, but although the Presbyterians used to be very Biblical, I am not sure how much Bible is taught in the Presbyterian Church today.

I asked a friend at church the other day just why he was supporting Trump and he said: “Because he would be a great leader.”

That has to be the key. He would certainly be a better leader than the man who is president at the moment. Many people support Trump because he is not connected with the government. While it appears that Clinton has never had a job in business and industry Trump has worked in industry all his life. The same goes for his children; they learned construction from the time they were children. Ask those who work for him. Ask his children. He has a great relationship with those who are close to him, both men and women.

If we were calling a man to pastor our church we would insist that he meet all the requirements set forth in the Bible for a pastor. However, we are not calling a man for pastor, but we are seeking a man to lead our country as president.

If I were seeking a surgeon to repair my heart, I would insist that he knew his field of surgery. I would not insist that he be a born again Christian. If I were seeking a mechanic for my car I would insist that he understood all that was necessary to repair my car. But in seeking a man to lead our country I would only insist that he be adequately prepared for the office of President, the most important office in the world.

Knowing that Clinton has virtually no experience outside government, and that her history is seriously checkered by her lack of integrity in her roles in our government, and also knowing that Donald Trump has done some important projects in the real world, providing jobs for literally thousands of people and who has seen those projects through to completion I have a clear conscience in supporting Donald Trump for president.

Clinton left the White House “broke” but is now worth millions. There is a limit as to the amount of money a person can give to your campaign, but you can be paid thousands of dollars for speeches you may make. Here are lists of some of those speeches: and here; and here. The total amounts to several million dollars.


One of the first people to endorse Donald Trump for president was Jerry Falwell Jr., who invited him to speak at Liberty University in Lynchburg Virginia.

Trump’s speech with introduction by Falwell – 1 hour 4 minutes 1-18-16.  here Trump speech’s alone 49 minutes 1-18-16 here

Here are a few of those who have endorsed Donald Trump at one time or another. Check the Wikipedia link at the end of this list for other people you might appreciate.

  1. Butch Otter – Governor of Idaho
  2. Sarah Palin – Governor of Alaska
  3. Rudy Giuliani – New York Mayor
  4. Joe Arpaio – Sheriff Maricopa County
  5. Bill O’Reilly – Fox News
  6. Dick Morris – Political Consultant – Armageddon (Clinton History)
  7. Sean Hannity – Fox News
  8. James Dobson – Founder, Focus on the Family
  9. Jerry Falwell Jr – Liberty University
  10. Ben Carson – Neural Surgeon – Presidential Candidate
  11. Phil Robertson – Duck Dynasty

Here is a Wikipedia list of Trump Endorsements for 2016.

This list is pretty extensive so if you have any interest in Trump you need to look at the list. (Some have pulled their endorsement recently. Those who withdrew their support probably did not have solid support to begin with. Others are RINOs.)

Trump supports Gun Rights and the Second Amendment and is endorsed by the National Rifle Association of America.

Trump is prolife and is endorsed by Right to Life. August 31, 2016

Trump Speech on the Economy in Detroit August 7, 2016

Trump Speech: Law and Order; Supporting African Americans: 8-17-16 Milwaukee

Trump Speech on Illegal Immigration 9-20-15 Arizona

Trump Speech on Immigration in Youngtown, Ohio August 15, 2016

Donald Trump speech in Charlotte North Carolina 8-18-16

Donald Trump Speech on Radical Islamic Terrorism 8-15-16

Trump Speech Des Moines Iowa, 8-27-6

Trump Speech at Great Faith Ministries, African American church in Detroit

Trump goes to Louisiana to aid flood victims: Gonzales, Louisiana 8-19-16

It may be important to point out that the president was too busy playing golf and that Clinton made a phone call. Trump saw the need and did what he could to meet it. He was invited to come by Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, whose house was flooded. He was also invited by the Governor. here.

Donald Trump Entire Republican Convention Speech 7-22-16 1hr 15 min

Donald Trump announces his run for President 6-16-2015, 45 min 36 seconds.

Trump Predicts Economic Bubble


  • Trump Promises to approve the Keystone Pipeline!
  • Protect Coal Fired Power Plants!
  • Encourage More Nuclear Power Plants!
  • Protect Oil and open more land to oil exploration!


Trump is pro-life and has given a list of possible candidates for the U.S. Supreme Court, all of whom appear to be pro-life.



  1. Trump has promised to build a wall on the Mexican border and limit immigration.
  2. He has said that he will enforce the immigration laws, something Obama has refused to do.
  3. Trump has called for temporarily halting all immigration from countries from which terrorist groups have been operating until they can be vetted.
  4. Trump has asked for an extreme method of vetting immigrants to be sure they:
    1. Want to accept our values
    2. Can accept our Constitution
    3. Want our way of life
    4. Learn English
  5. Recently Trump has softened his stand but still insists the laws must be enforced.
  6. (It is important to point out that he is not suggesting limiting immigration based on one’s religion, but based on country of origin; countries from which terrorism is originating. There is nothing in our Constitution, however, to prevent limiting immigration of a certain religion; only no religious test to run for office. Article VI )

Here is an interesting commentary from “Canada Free Press” on the Trump program for immigration reform.  here


Trump has promised to negotiate trade deals that are more favorable to America.


  1. Trump has called “Global Warming” a hoax
  2. He has called for a re-negotiation of the Treaty at Paris on Climate Change
  3. Trump has plans to appoint a climate skeptic to the EPA.  Here

Trump Picks Climate Change Denier for EPA Head

Myron Ebell is a great choice: Energy and Global Warming Expert

Trump’s team of energy and environment advisers also includes Washington veterans who have lobbied for the coal, oil and gas and utility industries. The make-up of the group suggests that a Trump administration would make far-reaching changes at Energy, Interior and EPA.

Trump’s transition team includes a major skeptic of mainstream climate-change science


  1. Trump takes a dim view of the United Nations
  2. Trump feels that other nations need to pay their fair share in the UN and other defense organizations.
  3. Trump opposes UN control of American programs
  4. Trump is opposed to the Iran Nuclear Deal and believes we need to re-negotiate the Clinton/Obama “treaty” with Iran. (This signing is unconstitutional as it has to be approved by the U.S. Senate.)


  1. Trump believes too many regulations are making it hard for American industry to compete on the world market
  2. Trump will work hard to bring jobs back to America


  1. Trump says he will work to reverse any unconstitutional orders by President Obama, especially anything having to do with gun control, or immigration.


  1. Our healthcare system is broken with rising expenses.
  2. Obamacare (Patient Affordable Care Act) is not working.
  3. Trump has promised to repeal Obamacare.


  1. Many veterans have died waiting for care.
  2. The Veterans Administration is not functioning properly. (Corruption?)
  3. Trump supports a program where a veteran can go to any Medicare doctor and get care, if they choose, rather than the local veterans hospital


Trump supports Christians

Trump spoke at the Family Research Values Voter Summit. Scroll down to the video of Trump, also Pence.

Trump has often helped those in need.

Trump wants to eliminate 501C3 requirements for churches.

What has Trump promised to do the first day in office?

Commander in Chief Forum Trump/Clinton Matt Lauer 9-8-2016

Vice Presidential Debate November 4, 2016, 1 hr: 32 Min

First Presidential Debate September 26, 2016, 1hr: 35 min

Second Presidential Debate October 9, 2016, 1 hr 33 min, St Louis Missouri

For more information on the Trump campaign check the following link.

Donald Trump Web site

Presidents' Day Sale: Up to 40% off

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