Bob's Words of Wisdom

The Trump Transition Team

I think we all remember the problems with Trump’s first term in office and most of them developed because of bad choices by the transition team. The choice of Christe as the leader of this team was a major mistake and having to replace him just three days after the election with Mike Pence created a huge disruption in assembling this team. Trump literally had to redo the work that Christie did for the past 6 months as many of his picks were former lobbyists. Anyone who has ever taken on an executive position in a corporation or government entity knows that it is critical that they do an evaluation of the people they will be working with prior to accepting the position. The old saying “A New Broom Sweeps Clean” is a valuable lesson many executives learn the hard way.

In Trump’s first term, putting together a quality transition team was a failure and chaos ensued. Finding people who would be loyal to him should have been the primary goal because without people who are on the same page as you are means bad decision will be made. We all have to make important judgements about people in our lives but when we talk about those who are making decisions on how our country will run, you had better be right 90 percent of the time. Trump was a business executive who was very successful in what was essentially a family business so most of the time he was surrounded by those who he could trust to make good decisions.

When he entered the White House in 2016, he entered a den of vipers who never wanted him to succeed as he was not of bureaucratic heritage but an outsider and Washington hates outsiders.

Trump was not only being usurped by the people inside the White House but also by the legacy media who claimed they were impartial but in essence were doing their best to undermine everything he did. To top it off the FBI spied on his campaign by tapping his phone even before the election. Trump was enemy number one of the bureaucratic state, even before he entered the oval office. He became a target of the deep state and to be sure they were going to try and make his life a living hell any chance they got. This is why it is so important that if he is elected on November 5th he must have a transition team made up of people who are loyal to the cause of changing bureaucratic Washington and cleaning out the deep state swamp.

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It does appear that Trump is ready to take over this time with a full complement of loyal conservatives who will be ready on day one to start making changes to Make America Great Again. When Trump gets elected, he will have a team co-chaired by a gentleman I knew from my days on Wall Street Howard Lutnick the CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald. His Co-chair will be Linda McMahon former Administrator of the SBA, along with Senator JD Vance, Donald Trump Jr., and Eric Trump as honorary co-chairs. Some of you might remember that Cantor lost 658 of their personnel, including Howard’s Brother when the World Trade Center was attacked. He will be key in helping choose the right people to fill the 4,000 open positions in the new Trump administration.

My concern is still what will happen if Trump wins. Will there be terror in the streets with illegals worried about deportation and loss of benefits such as food, shelter, and medical care? Will we have criminals and terrorists who have entered our country illegally going on a rampage of looting without enough law enforcement officers to stop them? Let’s all pray that Trump wins and we have a peaceful transition and limited problems with illegals. Remember to vote early if you can. Only 14 days left.

We get the government we deserve.

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7 replies on “The Trump Transition Team”

Great comnentary, Bob. My concern is that the Dems will not relinquish their current power if President Trump wins.Also there will be voter fraud by the Dems.If our side doesn’t vote in massive numbers, we won’t overcome that fraud.I pray for our election, our country, President Trump.

Bob Neugebauer: “…Trump is ready to take over this time with a full complement of loyal conservatives who will be ready on day one to start making changes to Make America Great Again. ”

There are two problems with this statement: 1) They are only alleged conservatives, and 2) Trump and his team cannot make America great again.

1) There’s only One with the authority to determine what constitutes true conservatism, and anything left of His right (Republicans, Constitutionalists, Libertarians, etc.) are merely right-leaning (barely) liberals.

2) There’s also only One who can make America great again and He’s not going to do it with anyone who swears to uphold the biblically seditious Constitution** as the law of land, responsible for officially commencing America’s suicidal trek to the precipice of moral depravity and destruction.***

*See blog article “Right, Left, and Center: Who Gets to Decide?” at bible versus constitution dot org. Search title on our Blog.

**See free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective,” in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible on our Online Book page.

***See Deuteronomy 28:1-14 for what’s necessary according to Yahweh’s moral law for America to become great again – the same reason she became great previously, harkening back to the early 1600’s governments of, by, and for God expressly established upon His moral law. See, for example the 1639 New Haven, Connecticut Constitution.

For more on how the Bible’s triune and integral moral law (the Ten Commandments and their respective statutes and judgments) apply and should be implemented as the law of the land, see free online book “Law & Kingdom: Their Relevance Under the New Covenant.” Search title on our Online Book page.

Then “A Biblical Constitution: A Scriptural Replacement for Secular Government.”

Whether we have an “election” or not is still anybody’s guess. The closer we get, the greater the odds of a monumental false flag or WWIII to cover the crimes the globalist cabal has perpetrated against human beings all over the world.
As far as Mr. Trump is concerned, keep in mind on the day of the attempted assassination in Butler, PA, Nikki Haley, the disgraced “heiress apparent” of the NEOCON War Party and her obvious “Running Mate” Mike Pompeo, were waiting in the wings at the Dead Elephant Party Convention. I do not believe in coincidences.
If The Donald carries this clown show off, some thoughtful honest patriot needs to be whispering in his ear about who his enemies and the enemies of our Constitutional Republic really are. The knives will be out again, just like after 2016. Plan accordingly.

Personally I do not disagree with you. He is a thorn in the side of political corruption which touches all levels of the political spectrum. Thanks for your comment.

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