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Trump indictment is latest blow to Americans’ faith in government

In our society, the trust and confidence of the people in government institutions is vital. The misuse of law enforcement to target political rivals has deeply eroded Americans’ faith in our institutions.

Conservative Republicans have always emphasized the need to preserve the delicate balance of power outlined in our Constitution. Misusing law enforcement to target political rivals undermines this balance and is antithetical to the American way. We need only look at the experiences of citizens in troubled countries such as Cuba, Russia, and Nicaragua, where dictators routinely persecute their political opponents, to see how dangerous of a precedent this sets.

The American public has been inundated for 6+ years with endless allegations of criminal activity by President Donald Trump. The media and our government agencies worked hand-in-hand to spin a web of alleged Russian collusion by our President. These allegations were subject to extensive investigation, which concluded that there was insufficient evidence to establish any criminal conspiracy, but not before the media and partisan politicos used it as a bludgeon to attack their key political rival. Not surprising, when Russian collusion fell apart, new allegations of criminal activity quickly followed.

The recent indictment of President Donald Trump by Biden’s Department of Justice has a chilling effect on political discourse. It not only undermines the principles of fairness and justice, but also stifles the political process when a candidate for President is indicted by the justice department of the incumbent. When citizens fear retribution for their political alignment, the foundation of democratic debate crumbles. Americans must be able to freely engage in political discussion, without the risk of retribution. The dangers associated with a sitting US President misusing the Department of Justice to indict and arrest a top political rival cannot be ignored.

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It is essential to consider this context when evaluating the misuse of the DOJ and intelligence agencies and its impact on public trust. Transparency, accountability, and adherence to the rule of law should be the cornerstones of our efforts. Implementing rigorous oversight mechanisms, promoting ethical conduct, and reinforcing the impartiality of our justice system are critical steps toward restoring public confidence.

This week, the House of Representatives had an opportunity to exhibit such rigorous oversight and promote ethical conduct, when a resolution to censure Rep. Adam Schiff (D) was presented. The resolution alleged unethical behavior when he was Chair of the House Intelligence Committee; that he “purposely deceived his Committee, Congress, and the American people” and “used his position and access to sensitive information to instigate a fraudulently based investigation, which he then used to amass political gain and fundraising dollars.” The vote to censure Rep. Schiff failed, with 20 Republicans voting with Democrats to block the censure. This is yet another disappointing failure by our government to hold accountable the actions of our elected officials.

Many Americans are left wondering if there is any hope for restoring faith in our government institutions. It would require a commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring that our law enforcement agencies and our elected officials operate independently and impartially, devoid of political influence. It is imperative that we champion the restoration of trust in our justice system. Only when we begin to uphold these principles of transparency, accountability, and impartiality, can we begin to rebuild the faith of the American people in our institutions and ensure a stronger, more resilient democracy for our children and grandchildren.

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2 replies on “Trump indictment is latest blow to Americans’ faith in government”

I DON’T CARE what the biblically abhorrent “Baal priests & priestesses” do to each other! In fact, praise God they’re devouring one another:

“But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.” (Galatians 5:15)

The sooner they devour one another the better and the sooner, Lord willing, we’ll be able to erect a biblical government upon the inevitable ruins of the Constitutional Republic:

“The United States Constitutional Republic was destined to fall from its inception. This is borne out in the following two passages:

‘And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.’ (Matthew 7:26-27)

‘[E]very kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.; (Matthew 12:25)

“The house known as the Constitutional Republic was not built upon the rock of Yahweh’s1 word, but instead upon Enlightenment and Masonic concepts.2 It began and continues as a divided house….

“The day is therefore approaching when the Republic’s cup of iniquity will be full3 and Yahweh’s longsuffering is exhausted. At that time, the Republic will be subjected to His judgment. Like all nations before her built on sand, she will cease to exist. The question that remains is whether that generation’s Christians will be prepared to build upon her ruins. If not, another ungodly nation will fill the void until finally a future generation of our posterity are prepared to erect a government and society upon Yahweh’s righteousness as expressed in His triune moral law (His commandments, statutes, and judgments).4

“It is therefore incumbent upon this and all intervening generations of Christians to do everything in their power to help prepare for that future generation of Christians to do it right(eous) the next time….”

For more see free online book “A Biblical Constitution: A Scriptural Replacement for Secular Government” at

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the right-hand sidebar and and received a free copy of a book that *examines* Constitution by the Bible.

America is a communist country! Just Google the Communist Manifesto and study those ten planks. All are in effect here in the USA.
Communism is war by deception! Communism is organized crime using this thing called ‘government’ to rob and enslave the people while leaving them to believe they are free. Communism would not exist without ‘government’ to enforce it. Communism is the religion of the Synagogue of Satan. Now Google “Synagogue of Satan” to learn who your enemy is. You will find that they control everything, especially your way of thinking. ‘Government’ is mind control! Govern equals control, ment equals mind. You have all been brainwashed into believing that ‘government’ is your god and you will, and you do, its bidding.

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