
Top Idaho Legislator Rep. Heather Scott to Speak at Hayden Area Tea Party on Wed. Sept. 16th

Co-Leaders Pam Stout and Jim Polzin of the newly organized Hayden area Tea Party are pleased to announce that State Representative Heather Scott will be speaking to the group’s meeting on Wed. Sept. 16th at 6:30 PM at the Hayden Library.

Recently recognized as the top Idaho legislator by the Republican Liberty Caucus for having the best voting record during the last session, Representative Scott’s topic will be ‘The Power of the Engaged Citizen.’ Learn the power each citizen has and how you can make effective changes in our government. Heather will share success stories of how average citizens have effectively made changes at various levels of government. Rep Heather Scott 208-920-3120.

Coffee and cookies will be served for those who need enticing.

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