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They Took A Bullet For Us

WWII was the last Constitutionally declared war by Congress with all multiple subsequent conflicts being decided by an unelected council. While many countries participated in the fight to end Nazism, it was the force of American men who supported those countries in ending the most tyrannical regime of the 20th century.

In 2022, it was estimated that only 167,284 of those veterans are still alive. But that does not account for the 16 million Americans who served during the war, and the estimated 420,000 who died.

For all those sacrifices, including those who did not engage directly in combat, we must be reminded especially of those who took a bullet for us. How are Americans honoring their sacrifice?

The saying goes, you’ll never meet an atheist in a foxhole. Yet America has made sure that the very faith that carried these Americans through the war and at home has been wiped from its soul. And we are making sure children don’t understand the role of faith in their lives.

Education has been allowed to take control over children, ensuring the sacrifices made for them by Americans are never taught, instead, filling their heads with a fantasy world of equality, lack of want, forever peace, and transforming individual thought to one of collectivism and group think. 

What was a selfless society that gave and sacrificed for men who fought, we now have a world full of self-absorbed individuals demanding their entitlements, proclaiming their right to anything they want and how they behave, and falsely deserve while taking their selfies, with forced tolerance by others.

Millions of foreigners are flooding America with zero intent for allegiance or loyalty to it, with little desire to understand the significance of its history, or appreciation for those who fought for it.

How are those who took a bullet for us being honored? What sacrifices are being made to preserve what they fought for? What more can be done beyond a “Thank you for your service”, annual days of remembrance and parades, or an occasional movie that depicts their sacrifices?

Those Americans took a bullet for us protecting our country….and this is how we carry that responsibility, by not defending anything, but rather choosing to elect a senile man to act as as a totalitarian, letting non-American entities make decisions about how the world’s future will look and how lives will be lived, and watching as unconstitutional federal agencies run amok. Instead, we choose to sit by and ruminate over stories meant only for distraction from the real destruction being carried out under the guise of constant predictions of doom and gloom, and being led by the nose with constantly changing false narratives.

And who needs a government anymore, social engineering of a society and decision-making by science will work better for a socially just and equitable society.

Under the ruse that all of this is being done for “future generations”, in reality future children will not be allowed to decide their own future, it is being decided for them, right now. This is so opposite from those who fought to protect our freedom to choose.

This is how we guard what was entrusted to us? Out of the many ways in which we could take our sovereignty back, both as individuals and a country, we refuse to do it. Is it because of fear? 

Choosing to lament about these conditions on social media instead of discussing actions and solutions…this is the sorry way in which to honor those who took a bullet for us.

Maybe the United Nations, World Economic Forum, Mr. Global, and all the other corruptgroups are right. As society has descended into moral decay and separation from the Constitution while continuing to acquiesce, maybe there does need to be more control over humans with surveillance to ensure that everyone is behaving appropriately, or rather accepting their dictates of compliance. Access to goods should be controlled with a central bank digital currency to ensure that no one gets more than their fair share. Maybe population growth should be lowered and controlled so fewer deplorables are around.

The assaults we are currently under might be greater than any America has faced before. Not only are we under siege by a world of corporations, groups that are systematically blurring our sovereign boundaries with regional decisions, but we are also under siege by a government that literally is as tyrannical as King George, and we know who is at the helm of this oligarchy with minions that are rolling out dictates they want, while violating laws that were written to protect our rights.

Just as if it were a daily Pearl Harbor, the same assaults are being forced on us…every day, because we are not fighting to protect ourselves. Cities built with dense housing, renewable energy, electric vehicles, controlling appliances, increased government dependency, migration, more surveillance, loss of free speech and censorship, central bank digital currency instead of a dollar bill, government in bed with corporations, money being sucked out of every working individual to give to other countries and to those who contribute nothing…and the list of assaults is growing.

And here we sit here, doing nothing, many times hiding behind those who have been willing to put their lives and livelihoods in front of those enemies. Why are so many unwilling to take the bullet, especially now before the real bullets begin to fly?

The current status would probably be best described by these soldiers as a complete FUBAR. But this is the thanks we have chosen to give them. What will it take to awaken the sleeping giant again?

Spring Favorites

2 replies on “They Took A Bullet For Us”

“…The power to declare war is a serious responsibility. Why were the framers so vague in defining the parameters of war and the conditions under which it could be declared? Section 8, Clause 11 is the only place of significance where warfare is mentioned in the Constitution. Little wonder this power has been abused. Luther Martin [one of Maryland’s delegates to the Constitutional Convention] protested:

‘…the congress have also a power given them to raise and support armies, without any limitation as to numbers, and without any restriction in time of peace. Thus, sir, this plan of government, instead of guarding against a standing army, that engine of arbitrary power, which has so often and so successfully been used for the subversion of freedom, has in its formation given it an express and constitutional sanction….’40

“John Quincy Adams [prophetically] predicted the consequences of America’s international military entanglements:

‘America … has abstained from interference in the concerns of others, even when the conflict has been for principles to which she clings…. Wherever the standard of freedom and independence has been or shall be unfurled, there will her heart, her benedictions, and her prayers be. But she goes not abroad in search of monsters to destroy.… She well knows that by once enlisting under other banners than her own, were they even the banners of foreign independence, she would involve herself beyond the power of extrication, in all the wars of interest and intrigue, of individual avarice, envy and ambition, which assume the colors, and usurp the standard of freedom. The fundamental maxims of her policy would insensibly change from liberty to force; the frontlet on her brow would no longer beam with the ineffable splendor of freedom and independence; but in its stead would soon be substituted an imperial diadem, flashing in false and tarnished luster, the murky radiance of dominion and power. She might become the dictatress of the world: she would be no longer the ruler of her own spirit.’41

“Because the framers provided no Biblical parameters, unbiblical warfare has been the rule ever since. Following is a list of the countries bombed by the United States since World War II:

China: 1945-46; 1950-53
Korea: 1950-53
Guatemala: 1954; 1967-69
Indonesia: 1958
Cuba: 1959-60
Vietnam: 1961-73
Congo: 1964
Laos: 1964-73
Peru: 1965
Cambodia: 1969-70
Granada: 1983
Libya: 1986; 2011
El Salvador: 1980s
Nicaragua: 1980s
Panama: 1989
Iraq: 1991-2001; 2003-09
Sudan: 1998
Afghanistan: 1998; 2003-09
Yugoslavia: 1999.

“From 1945 to the present [2012], the United States has bombed nineteen different countries under the guise of defending America’s sovereignty and promoting democracy. But America is none the better for it, and not one of these countries has become a legitimate democracy – not that this would be anything to celebrate. Something is amiss. Wars fought for political gain or financial profit can only be classified as ungodly acts of aggression….”

For more, see Chapter 4 “Article 1: Legislative Usurpation” of free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective” at

The military tradition has all but been extinguished. The volunteer army came from the red states and the social experiment in all but the Marines has done it’s sorry work. Those of us who had family history that experienced that time are getting pretty minimal and marginalized. My dad was a WWII combat Marine. An uncle went through the whole European Theatre in a tank destroyer unit. Another great uncle was a POW from Corregidor. An uncle of wife’s died in August 1950 when they were overrun on the Pusan Perimeter. My generation of Vietnam just got kicked in the teeth for our contribution of blood and treasure. It will be a sad and horrific day when the ChiComms start amusing themselves with the population of Portland with bayonet practice like the Japanese did to Nanking. Where did the warriors go? The Ballad of “Tommy” by Rudyard Kipling is a great truth. For what.. for the “White Man’s Burden” and that never expects a return. We never learn.

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