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The Truth About the Debt Ceiling

Earlier today, I received a message for me to sign a petition to Congressman Fulcher urging him not to vote for the Debt Ceiling, but instead “to push for a real deal.” I respect Mr. Fulcher, and I also signed the petition. Still, much about the Debt Ceiling is not understood or reported.

To begin with, over the past six decades the topic of the Debt Ceiling was argued and 78 times was the Debt Ceiling raised. With the Republicans caving in each time. Why? Here is the truth.

Congress has the Power of the Purse. Over the past six decades, no one political party had a supermajority. A consensus was required to pass a bill, such as spending bills and raising the Debt Ceiling. The positions of the Democrats vs the Republicans are vastly different on this topic.

Frequently, the reported news was that our Nation need to have the debt ceiling raised to keep the government running AND not to default on our debts. The second point is especially important, but one that I believe is not understood.

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Typically, the problem is beyond keeping the government running. The budget does that; i.e. to fund the military, the parks services, and even the Social Security checks. This remains true even in the odd years when Washington did not pass a budget. In other words, there is sufficient money to keep the government running. What is not budgeted and not reported are the debts. What is that exactly? Today, our national debt is approximately $32 trillion. Interest on this debt is substantial, as in the magnitude in the trillions of dollars. Not having the debt ceiling raised means not being able to pay for the payment on the interest of the national debt.

Position of the Democrats. They have repeatedly pushed for raising the debt ceiling so that our nation can pay for our debt. While it may sound reasonable, I must point out that their motivation is for them to demand more spending in the following budget cycles. “Hey, we have room in our books, let’s spend it!” This message has been repeated 78 times.

Position of the Republicans. Repeatedly, they have resisted raising the debt ceiling. Repeatedly, they asked for tax cuts, which means lowering the spending. Note again that lowering the spending will create room in the budget to pay for our debts or interest on our debts. They even had the government temporarily shut down. Temporarily.

78 times. The Democrats knew that they have the media on their side. That the media will not clarify all the issues, thus beating up on the Republicans. Do the Republicans care about perceptions? They do… greatly. Furthermore, with China trying to replace the Dollar with its Yuan, I agree that defaulting on our debt is very bad.

Additionally, paying the debts is just a moral obligation. Right? Once a loan is taken, we should honor our words and pay the debt. That I agree. What I disagree with is the continual growth of the yearly budget. Cut it. Reduce it. At the minimum, Freeze it.

The counterargument to the above argument is inflation. The Democrats say something like, that federal employees deserve to have their salary kept up with inflation. The federal agencies need to have their allocation adjusted to inflation. And, the annual budget keeps increasing, and our ability to pay the debt is diminished until the debt ceiling is raised.

Next year, we will have the same discussion in Washington. Raised the Debt Ceiling, or else we have to shut down the government and default on our debts.

The true solution is for the government to lower its spending, and include our debt in the budget.

The Republicans need to be firm in demanding a comprehensive yearly budget. Cut the budget to the level that we, as a nation, can afford. And pay our debt without raising the debt ceiling.

If they don’t, we need to send others to Washington that will.

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One reply on “The Truth About the Debt Ceiling”

Such ever-escalating debt and inflation is impossible under the biblical government the constitutional framers rejected.

The constitutional framers’ sins were of both commission and omission. The framers’ sins of commission are evidenced in that there’s hardly an Article or Amendment that’s not antithetical, if not seditious, to Yahweh’s sovereignty and morality.

Their sins of commission aside, the framers’ sins of omission—that is, their failure to establish government and society based upon Yahweh’s commandments, statutes, and judgments—alone sent America to the precipice of moral depravity and destruction she presently teeters on.

Ask the millions of infants slaughtered in their mothers’ wombs if the constitutional framers’ failure to establish government on Exodus 21:22-23 and Deuteronomy 27:25 didn’t lead to their annihilation?

There’s not one national problem in America today—criminal civil “leaders,” government-financed in utero infanticide, sodomite “marriages,” Synagogues, Mosques, and Temples devoted to false gods dotting America’s landscape, America’s crumbling economy, runaway debt, and taxes on nearly everything, etc.—that cannot be traced back to the framers’ sins of omission.

“For my people have committed two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water.” (Jeremiah 2:13)

For evidence, see free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective,” in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Books page.

Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”

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