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The Radical Agenda Was Planned

We Have 100 Years of Attacks to Undo

The 1964 presidential election between Johnson and Goldwater was the first major election that I was all in on. As a college student that wasn’t yet 21, I couldn’t vote but with my “Goldwater ’64” bumper sticker on the back of my ’55 Chevy I became a conservative. This was not an election with the “Country Club Republicans” candidate running against the labor union’s choice. This was an awakening by the people, a populist movement, that our country was being transformed and our institutions taken over and trashed. As a young person I read Phyllis Schlafly’s book, A Choice Not An Echo, Goldwater’s Conscience of a Conservative and John Stormer’s classic None Dare Call It Treason. (15 printings and 3.5 million copies prior to the election). Economics In One Lesson by Henry Hazlitt was a must read if you were a true conservative and is still high on my reading list when it comes to a vital understanding on how the world works. Of course, there were other writers and books that were awakening Americans to the dangers building on the political landscape. How did we get here?

Which brings up Woodrow Wilson, 35 years earlier, arguably the worst President ever. He signed the Revenue Act of 1913 establishing the first permanent federal income tax, giving the federal government an almost unlimited supply of dollars to fund lofty federal social management endeavors. WWI and the selective service act and the suspension of liberties beyond what we see today. A League of Nations for world government. He was an ardent racist and segregated many government departments. He created the Federal Reserve which caused immense damage to our economy even today. For the first 125 years of our history there was literally no inflation since we were on a gold standard. Wilson created a national police force, the FBI which has morphed into a “secret police” with no restraint. Under his watch we established the Federal Trade Commission with sweeping authority. He oversaw the direct election of Senators by the people instead of the states. Can you imagine if Senators had to face the state legislators concerning federal overreach of power and demanding the states hand over their decision making to the federal government? These are just the highlights of one of our worst presidents.

Of course, along came Franklin Roosevelt in 1932 who inherited the Federal Reserve created by Wilson. Milton Friedman set the record straight about the Great Depression. In his book, “A Monetary History of the United States,” he proved that the Fed created the collapse by contracting the M2 money supply (cash, checking and savings accounts, and CD’s). Ben Bernanke is an expert on the Great Depression and his work verifies what Friedman found. Economists are pointing out that the Fed seems hell bent upon collapsing our economy today. Great reset anyone? Any discussion of FDR would have to include the government control of agriculture, pensions, health care and an overall reduction of our freedoms. Roosevelt tried “packing” the Supreme Court but was thwarted fortunately, but don’t forget that we went off the gold standard thanks to FDR.

Christ Troupis Book

Truman attempted to erase some of the racism of Wilson and FDR by integrating the military and reversing many racist actions against Japanese Americans and Jews. Ike would warn us in his farewell address about the dangers and influence of the military-industrial complex. Unfortunately, those warning were not heeded, and we have been left with decades of endless wars and a CIA-NSA-FBI rogue state that can control congress and the decision makers. This has continued under the Nixon, Carter, the Bushes, Clinton, Obama and Biden administrations. The pushback by Reagan and Trump just resulting in poking the bear and the pushback was too overwhelming to make a difference. In defense of President Trump, he likely had no idea that the administrative and intelligence apparatus was so deeply imbedded.

You are probably asking yourself this question, “What is the purpose of rehashing all of this history and the sorry state of our nation?” The answer is this- as we propose abolishing the FBI and reforming the justice department and breaking up that creature and we demand abolishing the income tax, demanding balanced budgets, doing away with the Federal Reserve and adopting a Gold-Silver standard we will be called crazy. As we realize government is too big and we need to give more power to the states by doing away with the Department of Education, Department of Energy, Health and Human Services, Department of Commerce, HUD, Transportation and more than that. When we talk about doing all of this and electing the Senators by State Legislatures, we are going to be called extremists and radicals. In reality all we want to do is return to our roots according to the Constitution. Don’t be cowed and bullied but read the history and be informed and speak up. We need to counter the narrative by media and teachers. As a meme I saw recently said: “My conspiracy theories have all come true. I need some new ones.”

Know what time it is. Demand change.

Reading List: None Dare Call It Treason, None dare Call It Conspiracy, The Creature from Jekyll Island (federal reserve), 1984, Animal Farm, The Road to Serfdom, Economics In One Lesson, Free to Choose, Conscience of a Conservative, Mere Christianity, Death of the West, Live Not By Lies. There are many others, but this is a beginning.

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3 replies on “The Radical Agenda Was Planned”

This is a Wonderful Article by Bob Shillingstad! I wish I could live in Idaho and be a part of restoring Freedom to Idaho and then the rest of America. Unfortunately I have nothing thanks to the Socialist Mormons of Utah. Unless there is a Miracle from God I will continue having Nothing and Owning Nothing, as I have done for the last 32 years here in Socialist Utah. I think it’s fascinating how the Rich Love to poison things, the minds of the young and the environment as well. Nothing much will change until the Rich are brought low and have to live like the ordinary man they have had under their boot for so long now. Example: I live in the dark basement of a house where the Rich land owner Poisons the grass in front and plants trees that produce nothing. as compared to the back yard where we have our chickens and ducks and they can even eat the grass there. And we have planted Fruit trees and other things that produce food. I do the best that I can with the little space that I am allowed. It is currently rumored that the Rich man who owns this house may sell it and we may soon find ourselves out on the street because the new owner will surely jack up the rent beyond anything I can afford. I hope and Pray there is a God and he will SOON allow me the financial Miracle that I need to get my family out of Socialist Utah and up there to even a remnant of Freedom there in Idaho. Every time we travel to Idaho, as we did for about 3 months during the COVID Fraud, to buy ALL our groceries, I shout FREEDOM! like William Wallace when I see the Idaho sign! And I wanna get out and spray paint on the Utah sign “Welcome to Hell!” I really hope there will be a God of Action, Truth and Honesty soon! And thanks again for this wonderful article and for your online papers support of Freedom and Truth!!! Steve Nelson (I am NO relation to that man in SLC!!!)

Bob I personally want to thank you for this article as it shows that we the people have been and are still managed by the bureaucracy that we have allowed to be created for the past century and continue to foster and allow to exist. Our country is and has been under attack for decades by those politicians who would use their positions to further their ambitions all the while they were continuing to burden those that elected them with more debt that we will never be able to pay back. Currently we are now looking at what the elite of the world call the end game as they will once again use a false flag to encourage the people to agree to another war so that countries who are over burdened with debt will be able to off load it using war as an excuse. The war between Russia and the Ukraine has been a set up from the beginning and you can bet that there will be another false flag like the Maddox attack in 1964 in the Gulf of Tonkin starting the Vietnam War and Bush’s war for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Don’t be surprised by the detonation of a dirty bomb in the Ukraine as this will be the next step to draw NATO and thereby the U.S. into another senseless war.

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