Bob's Words of Wisdom News

TeaPartyBob: Biden’s Energy Policy a Rerun of Obama’s Higher Energy Costs

Comments by TeaPartyBob on this morning’s Kevin Miller Show on KIDO Talk Radio – 107.5 FM & 580 AM

Good morning Kevin. I want to wish you a very happy birthday, my friend, and hope you will have many more. I want to thank you for letting us get the word out that the Gem State Patriot has turned its website into a place where the people of Idaho can donate to the families of the 3 fallen National Guardsman. We would like to thank those who made donations yesterday and hope that people will continue to visit our website and contribute whatever they can between now and the end of February.

We believe it is important to support those who serve our country and also support their families when tragedies like this take place. So we ask you to please support our efforts to help the families of these brave men who gave their lives in the service of their country.

I want to take a moment to talk about something that Sean Hannity just reported on. He talks about Biden’s vow to make investments in “Transformational Technologies.” This will be a rerun of the Obama years throwing good money after bad. Just think of the Solyndra scandal, the solar panel company that left the taxpayers with a 535 million dollar loan guarantee to pay back. Or how about the A123 battery company which received a $249 million dollar grant from the federal government and wound up being taken over by China’s Largest Auto-Parts Maker, because it had to recall so many of its batteries. Or how about the Amonix Solar Co. which got $20 million and closed a year after it opened.

Christ Troupis Book

The list goes on and on, proving you can’t force change in our energy needs with federal dollars. It has to be evolutionary and a proven product that there is a demand for. History shows that for every energy industry job lost, up to 4 other jobs that support the oil and gas industry are lost. It is projected by analysts that Biden’s plan to be free of carbon fuel by 2035 and could kill 5 to 10 million high paying blue-collar jobs. So while we are enamored with climate change, China continues to increase its carbon reserves in its efforts to surpass the U.S. as the economic power of the world.

Higher energy costs are not limited to electricity, as the elimination of fossil fuels would lead to a forced transition to electric cars, further increasing the demand on electricity. Obama had gasoline prices up to $5 and predicted within 2 years everyone would be driving electric cars, with his administration predicting $8/gal gasoline. Well, we all know how that turned out. Joining the Paris accord will do nothing but cost Americans billions in higher energy costs while countries like China continue to pollute the air and increase their use of fossil fuels.

The U.S. has the cleanest air in the world thanks to natural gas, while the green countries use coal to keep the lights on and have poorer air quality. The Paris Accord is just another leftist wealth transfer program and Americans will be the losers. I want your listeners to remember that our governor is a proponent of Climate Change. As I said yesterday, be careful what you wish for as you may just get it.

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