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Welcome to Volume 56 of the Gem State Patriot newsletter. This interactive newsletter allows comments and discussion and can be easily shared via social media. Please enjoy the following articles included in this edition of the Gem State Patriot. Need a website?I can help. Dr. Jason West knows your health choices are at risk by […]
How should we choose those individuals who would represent us in the halls and offices of government? In His written word, The Lord God set forth certain basic requirements – minimum standards – for those who would seek or hold public office. The attributes were set forth in those early days when The Sovereign Lord […]
“It is the responsibility of the patriot to protect his country from its government.” – Thomas Paine Most busy Americans have never given thought to how much better their lives would be should we get serious, as citizens, about operating our government as we were intended to, instead of passively trusting those who can’t be […]
Today we are going to discuss terrorism and the foolish politicians and policies that have allowed it to flourish, especially in the last fifteen years. This is a tale of war, of assimilation, and of extinction. President George W. Bush announced that we were engaged in a global war on terror shortly after the attacks […]
Imagine a major Indian casino, the Mohegan Sun in Connecticut, reporting that its slot revenues reported to the state in April have “stabilized,” slipping only 1 percent. The same casino reported $1.3 billion (with a “B”) in gross revenue for 2009. However, the economy is still dark, customers have less disposable income to slough into […]
The Northern Rocky Mountains are a land of beauty and treasure with colorful skies, high majestic mountains, glacial-carved features, plentiful lakes, life giving aquifers, abundant forests, big game, and rich mines of silver, zinc, lead, copper, gold, cobalt, iron and other metals and nonmetals. These mountains include an area about the size of the state […]
Remember James Carville’s famous words, “It’s all about the economy, stupid.” Well Ronald Reagan proved that saving the economy from assorted America-haters, socialists, Marxists and ignorant fools (like Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama) deserves a new jingle. It’s all about the taxes, stupid. Or are you forgetting that Reagan completely reversed the worst economy since […]
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s discussion. We are continuing our series on Western Civilization, its destruction, and what that means for us today. In last week’s episode, we talked about “financialization,“ and how banks have used up all their money-printing and credit-bubble weapons in an effort to stave off the deflationary collapse in […]
Infrastructure is the backbone of a nation; it connects people to services, markets and jobs. It provides clean drinking water, access to foods not locally grown and allows for the electricity we take for granted in today’s hi-tech world. One of the biggest reasons America surged ahead during the industrial revolution was the massive expansion […]
From a distance the jobs report issued on Friday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) looks pretty good: 215,000 new jobs were created by the economy in March while earnings, year-over-year, increased by 2.3 percent. The average hours worked remained stable, and the labor force participation rate rose off its recent record lows. The numbers […]
The Candidates Listed Below are Recommended by the Gem State Patriot Editorial Staff: United States Senate — Mike Crapo United States Representative Dist. 1 — Raul Labrador Supreme Court Justice — Curt Mckenzie Legislative Dist. 1 Senator — Glenn Rohrer Legislative Dist. 1 Rep. Position A — Heather Scott Legislative Dist. 1 Rep. Position B […]