
Critical Race Theory and Carrots

It’s an age-old trick: dangling the carrot in front of the donkey to get him to move; in other words, to induce desired behavior. Presently in Idaho, the “carrot” is the millions of dollars in federal grants, which induces acceptance of the accompanying ideologies within the Critical Race Theory and other “social justice” agendas. Critical […]

John Livingston News

Social Justice

Social Justice is a term that has its’ origins deeply embedded in Western Judeo-Christian philosophy and theology. Plato, Aristotle, Jesus of Nazareth, St. Paul, the early Church Fathers Augustine and Aquinas taught in detail concepts of social justice based on Classical Philosophy and the Biblical principle of “do unto others as you would have others […]

John Livingston News

Social Justice is not a Virtue

Social justice today is commonly defined by progressive liberals and their socialist-communist brothers and sisters in academia, the media and in the bureaucratic swamps of Washington DC and our State capitals as ‘JUSTICE IN TERMS OF REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, OPERTUNITY AND PRIVLEGES”. The long history of social justice in Western and Judeo Christian traditions presents […]

Gem State Patriot News