
POLL: Who is your top choice for Idaho Governor in 2018?

The 2018 Idaho Governor’s race is shaping up to be a crowded field. Who is your preferred candidate in this race? Incumbent Butch Otter isn’t running for reelection, so it’s an open seat which only makes the outcome of the race that much more unknown. Don’t let the talking heads in the mainstream media tell […]

News Opinions / Op-eds

Give Idahoans Tax Relief; Eliminate the Tax on Groceries

I congratulate the legislature for voting to eliminate the tax on groceries! I encourage the Governor to sign the grocery tax repeal into law, and I invite the Lt. Governor to join me in this effort! That will be a great day for struggling Idaho families! Currently, Idahoans can get a grocery tax credit when […]

Gem State Patriot TV News

PRESS RELEASE: Fulcher Outlines Economic Vision in Interview with Statewide Publication

For More Information: Steve Ackerman (208) 860-8055 October 3, 2016 Fulcher Outlines Economic Vision in Interview with Statewide Publication (Meridian, ID) – Gubernatorial candidate Russ Fulcher is the first gubernatorial candidate to obtain an interview with Idaho’s conservative statewide publication – the Gem State Patriot. This follows Russ’s first interview with Kevin Miller on […]

Gem State Patriot TV News

Bob Neugebauer talks with former Sen. Russ Fulcher about increasing health insurance premiums

Bob Neugebauer talks with former Sen. Russ Fulcher about increasing health insurance premiums

Gem State Patriot TV News

Idaho Braces for Wave of 2000 Islamic Syrian Immigrants

Bob Neugebauer talks with former Sen. Russ Fulcher about the potential influx of 2000 Islamic Syrian Immigrants into Idaho

Gem State Patriot TV

Bob discusses Common Core with former Senator Russ Fulcher

Gem State Patriot TV

Bob discusses Idaho Taxes with former Senator Russ Fulcher

Gem State Patriot TV

Bob talks candidly about Constitutional Carry with former Senator Russ Fulcher

Gem State Patriot News