Opinions / Op-eds

WARNING! New Portland Ahead

“So what do we do if someone is unruly and interrupts the meeting?” “Ask them to be quiet.” “What if they won’t be quiet?” “Take a recess to deescalate the situation.” “What if they continue after the recess?” “Reschedule the meeting for another time.”  “Would you remove a person disturbing the peace?” “Under no circumstances […]


Evil Unchecked

What is really going on in Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis, New York, and other cities hit by radical protests? What is it really all about? It’s all about evil. John Milton understood evil. He understood it so well that he made Satan, not Man, the most interesting character in Paradise Lost (1667). What he recorded of […]

John Livingston News

Hate Rage and False Narratives

We should all be outraged by the senseless deaths of human beings. Many of us including me became physically ill when we watched the video of George Floyd being strangled to death by a psychopathic killer while three other fellow policemen stood by and did nothing. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” Absolutely. This morning I […]

John Livingston News

Please, No Knee, Mr. Brees

I have become increasingly concerned over the past week about the ritualistic and almost religious nature of the actions of the “Black Lives Matter”(BLM) and ANTIFA movement. CNN showed a video of a white lady being ordered to her knees and coerced into confessing her sin of “white privilege”. Social media has been deluged with […]


Prote$ter$ Are All about Being Paid, Know Very Little

Who isn’t absolutely fed up with the overwhelming displays of shrill and even violent protestations being aired non-stop in our media by the paid usurpers of the far left? They are paid handsomely to raise hell with any elected official not in their camp of Alinsky-like comrades, and always show up on time, with professionally […]

Gem State Patriot News