John Livingston

Work and Rail Splitting

Abraham Lincoln attended formal school it has been estimated, for about four months. He was a self-educated man. From the time his stepmother taught him to read when he was a young child, he read everything he could get his hands on. Plato, Aristotle, The Stoics, Shakespeare but most of all The Bible. Lincoln’s moral […]


Mark Zuckerberg Spent Millions During the 2020 Election, Now He’s Getting Special Tax Breaks in Idaho

Mark Zuckerberg spent hundreds of millions of dollars during the 2020 election giving grants to County Clerks for PPE, education, and other unassuming items in every State of the Union. Over $500,000 came to Idaho, most to Ada County. Twenty Counties in total took the “free” money at that time of “need” during the COVID […]

Gem State Patriot News