Opinions / Op-eds

Internet of Everything

Internet of Things (IoT) is basically a world of devices connected through the internet with most people using some form of this technology. But IoT is not the end goal here, it is the Internet of Everything (IoE). Basically, that means an individual’s whole world will be centered around the internet. In this Cisco commercial, […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Coming Soon to Your City

By now everyone is somewhat familiar with the dangers of smart cities and has heard about 15-minute cities. These versions of how everyone should live center around technology and compacting humans into small areas in order to save the planet. Supposedly. It is really about surveillance.  Most people are also probably aware that these versions […]


Technocracy and Sustainable Development

Technocracy may be an unfamiliar concept to many or not easily understood by those who are familiar with it, or even its relationship to the United Nations (UN) 17 Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Both are one in the same. Essentially, under the ruse of the UN originated climate change catastrophe to come, in […]

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