Opinions / Op-eds

Former Governor Otter’s endorsement of Ranked Choice Voting shows he is out of touch with Idaho conservatives

What is it about this time of year that brings the ghosts of politics past out from the shadows? A group of so-called Republicans from ten, twenty, thirty or more years ago joined former three-term Governor Butch Otter in endorsing Reclaim Idaho’s ranked choice voting and blanket primary initiative this week. This initiative would overturn […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Idaho Ranks in Top 10 States that are Least Conservative

I have been saying for many years that Idaho is no longer the Reddest of the Red states as attested to by a recent article in the conservative “Daily Wire”. Read the article here: Idahoans need to think hard about voting for someone just because a candidate has an R in front of their […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Senate Republican Leadership Joins Forces with Democrats to Make Idaho Irrelevant in the Selection of Our Next President

For Immediate Release from the Idaho Freedom Caucus The Idaho Senate Republican Caucus says they’ve reached 60% support for a special session on the presidential primary. However, it’s crucial to emphasize they achieved this number by relying on the unanimous support of every Senate Democrat. In other words, without the backing of the Democrats, they […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Senator Scott Herndon on Special Session

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 29, 2023 Press Contact: Senator Scott HerndonPh. (208) 610-2680Email: Sagle, Idaho – Idaho State Senator Scott Herndon started a petition Sunday in the Idaho legislature to call the house and the senate into a special session to consider ways to fix Idaho’s Presidential primary election that got removed from Idaho law earlier […]

John Livingston


(Abuse does not Negate Use) I have received many e-mails after my last Gem State Patriot article about government corruption. I again state that a corrupt act may or may not be illegal. The danger is when the act benefits a politician, or an enterprise doing business with the government. A developer asking for a […]

Opinions / Op-eds

If we want our say in 2024 presidential race, March is the time

In response to the Legislature removing the March presidential primary, the Idaho Republican Party State Central Committee voted overwhelmingly to host a presidential nominating caucus on March 2, 2024. Without this caucus, more than half a million Republicans in Idaho will have no say in our own nomination for president. Now, the Senate President Pro […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Affordable Idaho

“Just a touch of sarcasm” Reclaim Idaho has a brilliant plan to deal with Idaho’s drug, crime, and homelessness problems while making housing more affordable for everyone. Remember that Reclaim brought us Medicaid Expansion that they promised would cost $350 million but it performed three times better and now costs about a Billion dollars a […]

John Livingston

Barriers to Entry

The Idaho Republican Party is broken. There seems to be two factions within the party that have for years been at odds with each other not only with regards to political philosophy, but also regarding issues of values and accountability. In a State that is 70% Republican, factions within the Republican Party in Idaho would […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Labrador Letter – August 18, 2023

It’s been another busy week in the Attorney General’s office holding the federal government accountable. This week, I joined with 27 states to call on the United States Supreme Court to grant certiorari in the case of Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo and to correct an earlier decision in Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. that […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Former Governor Sarah Palin to speak against Ranked-Choice Voting in Idaho Falls

Get ready for an electrifying event that’s bound to shake up the Idaho political landscape. The Idaho Republican Party is excited as we prepare to welcome the charismatic former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin to Idaho Falls on August 19th! A powerhouse in conservative politics, Palin’s visit promises to ignite discussions that touch the very heart […]

John Livingston

Absolutely Out of Their Senses

“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.” ~ Bary Goldwater Many know of this well-known quote from Barry Goldwater at the 1964 Republican Convention, but few remember Malcolm X’s arguing in its defense at Oxford University five months later. Extremism is in the eye of the […]


PRESS RELEASE: IDGOP Announces New National Committeeman

Boise, ID — Idaho Republican Party Chairwoman Dorothy Moon announces the filling of the vacancy for the Idaho GOP National Committeeman position. Bryan Smith, of Idaho Falls, will serve the remainder of the term as the Idaho Republican Party National Committeeman. The Idaho Republican State Central Committee convened on July 29, 2023, for a special […]

Gem State Patriot News