Opinions / Op-eds

Senate Republican Leadership Joins Forces with Democrats to Make Idaho Irrelevant in the Selection of Our Next President

For Immediate Release from the Idaho Freedom Caucus The Idaho Senate Republican Caucus says they’ve reached 60% support for a special session on the presidential primary. However, it’s crucial to emphasize they achieved this number by relying on the unanimous support of every Senate Democrat. In other words, without the backing of the Democrats, they […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Senator Scott Herndon on Special Session

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAugust 29, 2023 Press Contact: Senator Scott HerndonPh. (208) 610-2680Email: Sagle, Idaho – Idaho State Senator Scott Herndon started a petition Sunday in the Idaho legislature to call the house and the senate into a special session to consider ways to fix Idaho’s Presidential primary election that got removed from Idaho law earlier […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Our Children are the Future

Our children are the future. When we allow our children to be taught that their physical body is not the correct body for them, we are committing a crime against the future and against God. Our precious babies should be free to live in a world where they can run, and play, where they can experience […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Budget Growing Like a Cancer

We should all thank Audrey Dutton for her extensive reporting on the Idaho Health Data Exchange as it continues to prove to us the incompetency of Idaho’s Health and Welfare Department. We have been calling for an audit of this Bureaucratic behemoth for several years, but it appears that no one in the political arena […]

John Livingston

Who is Really Pulling the Strings?

It seems to me that as government at all levels gets bigger and transiting the labyrinths of the bureaucracy gets more difficult, there has evolved a new agency class that can best be described as “puppet masters”. These masters of deception are pulling the strings at all levels of government. Think about Joe Biden. Does anyone […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Op-Ed – Idaho’s 2023 Legislative Session

I entered politics because I was highly distressed observing the drastic decline in our culture and our strength as a nation because of woke politics and political correctness. Even after 37 years of service in the Navy, I knew my duty was not over. I needed to do something. In order to survive and thrive, […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Idaho Leaders United: Nothing More than Political Thugs

Just like the unsuspecting City of Troy was taken by surprise by a gift horse so we are seeing Idaho taken over by the Uni-Party or as we call them the political Trojan Horse. I refer to the recent announcement by “The Idaho Leaders United” declaring a purge on anyone or any group they think […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Will Medicaid Expansion Bankrupt Idaho?

It was back in 2015 that we along with the Idaho Freedom Foundation warned Idahoans about the problems with containing costs if Medicaid Expansion was approved in our state. It was eventually passed by referendum and is now chewing up tax dollars beyond belief. Why are we subsidizing those who are capable of paying for […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Mental Health Professionals Speaking out on Societal and Political Issues

Op-Ed by an anonymous Mental Health Professional practicing in Idaho. Below is a letter written to some conservative legislators during this last session. It was written and given anonymously with the “ask” to read it into the record either during a committee hearing or during floor debate on House Bill 71. To our knowledge, that […]

Opinions / Op-eds

Legislature Moves Forward with The Great Reset

Senate bill 1159 was signed by Governor Little on March 30, 2023.  This bill appropriates $100 million to expand broadband access and infrastructure throughout rural Idaho that will provide internet access for Idaho citizens.  With Senate Bill 1129 it brings the total to $225 million for broadband infrastructure. Sounds wonderful, doesn’t it?  Everyone will be able to get on […]

Opinions / Op-eds

New Republican Legislators Lead Return to Conservative Principles

In July of 2022, the Republican Party gathered in Twin Falls for our summer convention to elect new leadership of the party. The grassroots came together and overwhelmingly voted for change from the top down, setting a mandate that the party return to conservative principles.  When I took the gavel, I made a commitment to […]

Bob's Words of Wisdom

Property Tax Relief? Not really

Idaho’s Uni-Party of Legislators screws Idaho property owners again. The headline reads: Property owners once again get screwed on their property taxes. Idaho’s legislature overrode Governor Littles’s veto on property taxes relief. “hip hip hooray”, don’t cheer until you realize that this 13% cut will be insignificant for the majority of Idaho’s property owners. The […]

Gem State Patriot News